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Everything posted by BashiChuni

  1. in progress for the crushing...
  2. all us mid level captains have seen the bullshit...we dropped when there was only one fighter per class, we had RPAs in our -38 drops, we were in the squadrons with the TAMI 21 guys and heard how they got screwed out of their fighters, we saw the masters swing back to required for major and how our friends had to claw to get it before their board, we saw it swing back to not being required, we had friday morale shirts taken away, we had pencil tab patches made illegal, we had black boots taken away for swade, we saw dumbass ABUs come into "style" along with 1980s parachute PT pants, we saw the air force e-9s embarrass our peers in the died chow hall for wrong sock color (and be rewarded for it by the O-6), we saw 21 year old A1Cs drinking at DJ but aircrew were forbidden from even one beer, we saw our flying hours get cut back, we saw congress not do their job to the detriment of our survival in combat with zero shits given, we saw congress debate to take away dual spouse BAH, we became our own finance officer, we became our own professional CBT clicker, we saw below average yes men pilots do the minimum flying-wise and excel at queep only to get rewarded with good deal assignments and promotions (CHANG), we saw absurd increases in ROE for political purposes with no eye on victory. We saw the airlines start to hire... we didn't see our families, we didn't see clear cut victory in the war, we didn't see respect for our skills as pilots, we don't see a end in sight in deployments or war. The air force has been f***ing us since 2008. How the f*** are they surprised we don't want to stick around for the next 8 years to get run into the dirt. Most of my peers are getting TFO in a few years and i have zero fu**s or sympathy for big blue. They earned this.
  3. I agree. "Best seen to date" is now 100% accurate on grade sheets.
  4. wow those drops are sick! enjoy it boys and girls you're dropping in the good times!
  5. i love when dudes start throwing their combat hours and/or air medals around you know to grab the popcorn
  6. think tank huh?
  7. doesn't this give you incentive to find the most expensive rent the government is willing to pay?
  8. stop making 1st LT's golden boys Execs
  9. wings on suit are def strange looking
  10. I can see the WWI replacements saying the same thing as they march to the front! "cheer up boys help is on the way!"
  11. BashiChuni


    anyone have the supplemental USAA life insurance? good deal or bad deal? i bought it a few years ago and now i have the weird feeling im getting scammed for $48/month
  12. air medals aren't inflated we've just been doing this combat thing for 16 years and counting now.
  13. i never landed on the top gun carrier but i DID make it thru the fast Captain Skyhawk mountain level, rescued the scientist, and destroyed the alien space station eye
  14. i just keep wearing my rockies
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