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Everything posted by thedude

  1. What are the odds NGB would disapprove a cat 2 moral waiver for drugs after the wing and state TAG has already approved it at their level? My recruiter believes NGB is a sure thing since TAG has already signed off, but other folks in the squadron are quite a bit less confident. I realize no one on here can say they are 69% certain NGB will approve my waiver because it is case-by-case, but any insight/shared experiences/opinions are greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance.
  2. Thanks for the replies. You're right, age isn't the main concern. The main concern is my imperfect background to which AFRC has already approved and NGB could still disapprove. So my dilemma is turning down a sure thing T-1 slot for the maybe T-38 and potentially being left with a big goose egg, if NGB turns me down. Eh, it sounds like I'm prob overthinking this thing... Perhaps the more direct question is: What are the odds NGB will disapprove a cat 2 drug waiver after the wing and state TAG has already approved it? Anyone have any experience with this?
  3. First, long time lurker here, so thanks for all the information that's gotten me this far. I'm looking for any and all input- I've been offered a heavy slot through AFRC and a fighter slot through ANG. Because of the processing of paperwork, it's very likely the AFRC unit will come back with OTS/UPT dates a couple/few months ahead of the ANG unit (I'm FCI/MFS approved). However, I'm leaning towards the fighter slot in the ANG, thus requiring me to turn down a sure thing when AFRC comes back with dates for a should-be thing with ANG. I've spent the past month weighing all the pros and cons of the age old question "fighters or heavies?" and I've concluded that for me and my family they shake out to be about even; my heart is just pulling me to fighters. Here's the kicker, I'm 28 with an imperfect background, so I see this as my last chance at UPT and am trying not to dick it up. I already feel like a douche for likely having to call one squadron and tell them all the work they put in getting me this far was for nothing. I've read on this forum "those that get greedy, sometimes don't go to UPT at all" and I'm concerned about that. All that said - What would you do? Am I batshit crazy to turn down a T-1 slot in hand for the (likely) possibility of a -38 slot a few months from now? Thank in advance.
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