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Everything posted by bennynova

  1. each Senior Rater has his own style for how they like their PRFs, based on their board knowledge, etc. Top Line: half Senior Rater comments, the other half highlighting you entire career, such as breadth of what you've done, # of #1 strats (if a lot and if not all used in the PRF), air medals, # deployments, flying hours, etc... just depends for each individual. do not list duty titles as those can be seen in the surf and your OPRs and is a waste of space. there is also room on top line for certain awards (if they don't fit on line 2). Line 2: reserved for awards, start out with DGs, school awards, then from left to right with importance... annual better than quarterly, wing better than group, etc. denominators can be used too. i.e. Wg CGOY (#1/102); etc. if not everything will fit, then sometimes its appropriate to list them in lines 3 through 8... Line 3 - 8: annual strats should be to the left... with most important on the left. Wg strats are usually better than Gps, better than Sq, etc. just depends on the actual strat, who said it and what category it is. i.e. #4/20 Capts (Wg/CC) is probably better than #2/36 CGOs (Sq/CC).... but its a preference thing... probably shouldn't go more than 3 strats deep per line. oldest strats should be line 3, most recent strats towards line 8. the right side of lines are used for OPR bullet material. use Led XXmbrs, directed $XXB program, Commanded X member operation, etc. Line 9: Senior Rater comments... the 2 best things to have on here are My X/XX Eligibles at the beginning... your CC can sneak in a current strat (if not on your last OPR) such as, currently my #4/54 Capts... the end should also include school push, job push, and most importantly --Definitely Promote!. even if you don't have DP checked below it.
  2. AFPC is doing it because they don't want members being lt col selects for more than a year for the final line numbers. And if you aren't going to pin on line number 1 until October/nov/dec of 2018, then why have board results come out in may? As it stands now, the current batch of lt col selects have to wait until 1 Jan to start pinning on (unless they exhaust the remaining 270 from CY16 board quicker than 70 per month
  3. Nothing really changes. You'd have still pinned on same time frame assuming the pin on increments were the same in both cases
  4. Duck, What's your service commitment if you just get promoted normally... the two boards are close this year that realistically you could get passed over 2x as early as March of 2018... but being that they are continuing everyone, is there still something in the regs that will relieve you of your ADSC??
  5. Most bpz are usually 11s and 12s which would minimize the IPZ the following year. Makes sense to me.
  6. This mess up sounds like it is 100%the fault of the personnel department at the senior raters location. They are given the spreadsheet with the results. Another document lays out what continuations are offered and gives 7 or 8 templates. It all a hodge podge of a mess. But it's. It really big AFs fault that the personnelist couldn't take the time to do their job correctly some people were further comtinued (to 24 years) some were continued to 20.
  7. I always thought a super P was bottom line saying, "if I had one more DP, he'd have gotten it". Or, "my next DP if I had one"
  8. Makes sense. Some Wing DP needs to be more careful
  9. I wasn't personally invested in the results for 4 people. 2 APZ and 2 IPZ 3 made it. One IPZ did not make it
  10. Very odd. If you have more information I'm curious i didn't think the AF was bootin people unless they us negative indicators of some sort....
  11. All our guys found out this afternoon
  12. Anyone hear any news yet??
  13. That's SR preference
  14. The one line is probably to fit a board strat in. Each senior rather would probably have to rank his eligibles.... and relay any other pertinent info that's in the current last line of a prf
  15. The PRF is just a quick look. Most O6s still look through the top 3 or 4 OPRs It's not hard to find a strat and award on there
  16. It'll be a few years I'd guess. Maybe by time new CSAF is leaving??
  17. I've heard we will go to one line "prfs" and let the records speak on their own all oprs will go to 5 lines and have static close out dates like eprs
  18. There goes 5 DPs for next year too
  19. IPZ 714 DP 709 promoted 717 P 336 promoted APZ 25 DP 23 promoted 1024 P 33 promoted BPZ 393 DP 113 promoted 3163 P 9 promoted
  20. I think it was duck ;)
  21. I'm extrapolating mine from one majcom. Acc and I'd imagine acc has a higher rate of APZ promotions with many 11fs
  22. For clarification, and most picked up on it I was seeing the following percentages. 85% overall selection rate out of estimated 1300 eligibles 1105 promotees At the Maicon level, seeing following percentages.... iPZ will go up slightly when not in a MAJCOM 65% effective promotion rate for IPZ, or 845 promotees 13% of 1300 or 169 BPZ promotions obviously 169/3500 is a smaller percent 7% of 1300 or 91 APZ promotees when it's all said and done and the total Af stats are announced I think it will be closer to 900 in zone 140 below and 75 above
  23. If they hold to be true, then yes they are down. Numbers Ive seen tell me that APZ promotions are up. I think there may be over 100 ABZ promotions this year.
  24. Those stats are from estimated from majcom results this year.
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