each Senior Rater has his own style for how they like their PRFs, based on their board knowledge, etc.
Top Line: half Senior Rater comments, the other half highlighting you entire career, such as breadth of what you've done, # of #1 strats (if a lot and if not all used in the PRF), air medals, # deployments, flying hours, etc... just depends for each individual. do not list duty titles as those can be seen in the surf and your OPRs and is a waste of space. there is also room on top line for certain awards (if they don't fit on line 2).
Line 2: reserved for awards, start out with DGs, school awards, then from left to right with importance... annual better than quarterly, wing better than group, etc. denominators can be used too. i.e. Wg CGOY (#1/102); etc. if not everything will fit, then sometimes its appropriate to list them in lines 3 through 8...
Line 3 - 8: annual strats should be to the left... with most important on the left. Wg strats are usually better than Gps, better than Sq, etc. just depends on the actual strat, who said it and what category it is. i.e. #4/20 Capts (Wg/CC) is probably better than #2/36 CGOs (Sq/CC).... but its a preference thing... probably shouldn't go more than 3 strats deep per line. oldest strats should be line 3, most recent strats towards line 8. the right side of lines are used for OPR bullet material. use Led XXmbrs, directed $XXB program, Commanded X member operation, etc.
Line 9: Senior Rater comments... the 2 best things to have on here are My X/XX Eligibles at the beginning... your CC can sneak in a current strat (if not on your last OPR) such as, currently my #4/54 Capts... the end should also include school push, job push, and most importantly --Definitely Promote!. even if you don't have DP checked below it.