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Everything posted by bennynova

  1. I have. Pm me your email and I'll send you mine as an example if u like I included things in the past 6 months that weren't reflected in my record yet. Main thing is dont whine or make excuses in the letter
  2. Congrats to all the Colonel selects out there! results are "out there". Just gotta find em.
  3. I think the DPs are still given out by your previous SR. so in turn you hit the board with 2 PRFs. Your narrative from when you PCS'd to school..... and a blank PRF from your losing unit's SR that has a P/DP on it. or maybe the P/DP comes from the school MLR? I could have heard wrong.
  4. historically the increment continues for the entire allotment of selects.... the last month or two may be a tad higher or lower to make the numbers work.
  5. I think the answer is simple, but I don't run things no one should be writing DNP letters because there should be no way that 2 times passed over automatically relinquished you from your ADSC on the flip side, there should be an option up to AFPC to cut chalks due to extenuating family emergency circumstances, especially when willing to transfer any service commitments to reserves.
  6. I agree with lear Being bitter is not a reason to get out of a service commitment. And if allowed, would ultimately lead to more ducks snap letter and wanting out is medical/family related and should be considered. Realistically, his wing should be taking care of him, but have not. duck wants to stay in the reserves even.... doesn't seem right in his case considering the circumstances.
  7. I think it's a mix of people leaving early and afpc delaying boards for 9 months back in 2013
  8. Is the spreadsheet with these numbers in it not out yet? i think it's an effective 84.6 rate for the IPZ guys there was probably a larger % of APZ than in past years being that this was the 2nd year the board didn't care what zone you were in Last year would have been higher, but no one knew to submit filled out prfs
  9. Correct disco . Their PRFs used to be blanked out, but it's starting to change now.
  10. Deborah Lee James changed the boards so that the "best" packages get promoted regardless of year group . Thus lowering the effective promotion rate of the ITZ year group bord is no longer allowed to discriminate based on year group Enjoy it while it lasts
  11. The quick answer is there is Nothing you can do to get VSPd. You can put up basically the same PRF and get non selected a second time but whether or not you get VSPd or continued is based on "needs of the Air Force". And I bet you'd get continued anyhow and if you want to retire from reserves then my understanding is the first checks from your retirement will be paid back to Uncle Sam to make up for your separation of. So if you get the sep pay, then invest it wisely and you'll get to keep the interest basically.
  12. Sorry to hear about you not making O4 this time.  I am a 2003 year group and had that happen to me as well in the 2010/2011 timeframe.  

    I'm not sure what is best for you (sounds like being a commercial pilot and reservist might be great for you), but I decided to stick it out for a retirement at 20 years..... And 3 year groups later, I finally got promoted.    It used to be impossible, but I think the new sec def ( Deborah James has changed that)

     so there's a tad of hope if you feel like sticking it out. Best of luck, tribes



  13. APart from what was already said, continuation is good u til 20 years as an O3, but you can cut out whenever you want prior to that, with no separation benefits
  14. agree... flat rate. in excess of 30 days. does that apply to the original asker?? "couple of weeks TDY"
  15. Again, if you are only going for a couple of weeks (usually means 2). Then this TdY is less than 30 days. In that case, only actuall should be reimbursed. The long term flat rate lodging only applies to 30-180 days : 75%. Or 180+ days: 55% for long term tdys, receipts are not needed for matching, but rather proof that costs were incurred but slys TDY seems to be shorter than 30 days
  16. My example was for OVER 180 Which is 55%. The 75% rate might be the same (30-180 days) Is that how long your trip is? Over 30 days?
  17. pretty sure that you NEVER get to keep the extra lodging allotment. MI&E, yes. lodging, no. if DTS is being handled correctly you will need a receipt for all lodging, and in turn you need to change your expenses portion for lodging from $105 / night to the actuals. anything else and you risk getting audited/in trouble. the only time that flat rate lodging is allowed (and you keep the difference) is when you are getting a 55% rate (due to being TDY over 180 days)
  18. wow.... that is not a lot. (considering there are 2200 major promotions each year) how many IPZ were there to begin with?
  19. Awesome Hoy, congrats!
  20. https://www.dtra.mil
  21. I heard DTRA (not a real unit). Had 3/13 get selected...... And 3/4 DPs were selected out of those
  22. Does anyone actually have the full list and can check a name for me? pM me if so!
  23. that was a pretty sick burn. how often are there actually differences between "will meet" board and "as met" the board?
  24. as met records have been on PRDA for a few months now, sir
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