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Everything posted by WayUp

  1. For the sake of healthy discussion, I'll bite. I expect nothing less. I partially agree. Yes in extenuating circumstances to include hurricanes and ...well i guess its a hurricane hunter now, but to include shitty WX, most jets wont be flying, not just the GH. This is queepy petty shit and i get your point. I just wanted to rebuttal this cause Pilot. You are right, there are a few instances that would be ISR specific that would remove our ability to aid in the war. ..I cant argue with this. Its legit. But the U-2 wouldn't be able to operate in all of those cases stated above either. Satcom jamming? Iads? The U-2 plan on using carrier pigeons to send its collect back? You guys got some black magic to get your stuff somewhere? Your pilots ready to go gary powers on those IADS? Obvious sarcasm but you get the point. Correct, the mentality of being separated from the jet, primarily a global hawk, does cause some lack of SA and thoughtfulness to the actual mission. This is a mentality born from growing the community with pissed off ALFA tour folks that just want to go back flying or get out. This is and has passed. The community is now being led by people that actually want to be there and want to push the airframe. As far as caring about getting shot down, do U-2 pilots care about getting shot down? Absolutely, okay then..lets back you up a bit away from your target so we can keep you safe but still try to collect. Global Hawk though? Lets slide them a bit closer cause, we have a pack of 12 back home and we really want to get the good collect. This seems dumb but if you know ISR then you know distance matters in most cases. I am absolutely referring to operational missions. More than once we've had to sit down and plan nonstop rotating ops to cover the U-2's issues for some reason or another this past year. This hasn't happened the other way around....at all.. This isn't something i could just make up for poking fun at you guys for the whole HAISR frat club, its happened, more than once. And if you try to defend this by saying the U-2 has picked up the GH's collect sometimes mid mission, that doesn't show anything other than simply retasking an asset. This does not show any capabilities. ....There have been some Ex that we have not been able to perform at due to Wx. That would be us and the U-2 and literally every airplane in the inventory. We're all susceptible to shitty weather so i don't really see any substance to the foundation of your argument there against the Global Hawk in favor of the U-2. I agree the GH will never be able to replicate what the U-2 can do. It will however replace the U-2 in ISR. I think you possibly misunderstand my stance here. I am not a U-2 hater in any way. The GH isn't here to replace shit. Its to add an extra flavor to the mix. But the writing's on the wall that the U-2 is leaving and the GH will be retrofitted to carry its sensors(or at least some of them). Its already in testing and a quick google search tells you all about it. Defensive systems? U-2 - 1 GH - 0. As far as the sensor suite, being more robust due to the engine, yea your right it does have a large loud pretty awesome engine that can give some good electricity. The global hawk isn't really lacking much here. Yes I agree that the U-2 engine is bigger but the GH isn't failing to do anything due its engine or power supply...Not yet at least. You may have a solid argument there but that can be remedied by some modifications to the engine or generators and its ready to roll. Again, I'm not here to fight with knives. I just want a healthy discussion. Just want to learn from here and share what i know.
  2. Well my RQ-4 experience will transfer perfectly, I'll keep an eye out for the email.
  3. I'm going to start this discussion with please stfu unless you know what you are talking about. Its asshats like you that make our community look like a bunch of idiots who dont know wtf we are doing. Educate yourself before coming onto a forum where our peers talk and start blabbering about shit you barely understand. Your my bro in the Global Hawk but if we don't police shit like this, we continue to look like fools instead of what we really are, which is a new and capable platform that is eager to become integrated into the CAF. Let me stop you there. You clearly havent been to any LFE's. We have demonstrated multiple times what we can bring to the fight and the great stuff we can do. The actual issue is that fact that we are still building our reputation in the CAF to have them actually trust us and wait for our intel before getting the party started. This is a disconnect at different levels but they are not something we can directly affect as Pilots...right now. I think I need to clarify, that's only at RF. When we are dealing with WS guys or literally ANY other exercise or military branch there are zero issues. Again your ignorance is making you look foolish. You are a Global Hawk Pilot and you don't know what your peers bring to the fight and how you integrate with them? Also you don't call yourself a pilot in your framework? You fly an aircraft, you calculate fuels, you monitor and avoid weather, you take off and land, you do everything a pilot does with exception to physically being there and moving the control surfaces. Man up and own your shit and stop acting like a child. I'm not here to attack you but its bullshit like this that makes people look at our community as a whole as broken children. https://bfy.tw/7M3w As far as clearly surpasses the U2? It doesn't. To keep it super simple, it being unmanned kind settles it at the lowest level. The aircraft can fly longer and farther without crew limitations. There is no danger to the crew. We buy them in packs of 12 so honestly, shoot it down I DGAF. I have plenty more where that came from. To be completely honest, the biggest thing the U-2 has over the RQ-4 is 43 years. Its established and their place is known to the Air Force. There are no secrets here between the two. In 30 years, after the U-2 has passed, the RQ-4 will be in the same boat as the U-2.(Obviously speculation, but you get the point). Edit: We have demonstrated multiple times in the last year where the RQ-4 was more reliable and capable than the U-2. All upper level shit but if you want meat and potatoes this is the best its going to get at this level. It's not a secret that we can replace the U-2 in what it does. The aircraft really shouldn't be the full discussion here. I can go out and put a camera on any aircraft with some duct tape. /sarcasm The discussion needs to be the bigger picture. How we get what we get to where it needs to go smoothly and correctly.
  4. There is this, however, the community itself is still too young to even have a solid foundation. The current guys there are still trying to solidify where the RQ-4 fits in the big picture. At Red Flag, we show up with all our cool toys but get put in the corner because no one knows what cool toys we have or they just don't care and want to head out and blow shit up. Add this red hair to the stepchild portion of being the only enlisted pilots and we have a full blown red headed step child being married into the family right now.
  5. Yes, but not immediately. They will start off as BACN bitches to make sure they are smart enough to fly the all-mighty Global Chicken.(Because we look at them as lesser beings for some reason) After enough show up to the squadrons, you are looking at RQ-4s being manned approximately 10% Officer//90% Enlisted pilot. Wont be a thing until around 2022 ish? maybe? It's not a bad gig, i mean the deployments are all Kush except the centcom locations obviously.
  6. Anyone been to Misawa know if there is a place similar to Pops nearby that have some leather flight jackets?
  7. Yep I had this. hearing was bad in my left ear was that put me at H2 right from the start. I was PDQ in ROTC but my commander let me take the test one more time let me try again. I spammed the hearing test button until the tests show that I could basically hear paranormal activity after that I was allowed to submit a package for a pilot slot and was picked up and I've been flying ever since. When I arrived to my UPT base and did my initial flight physical there they showed me has been having bad hearing but since I was already commissioned and at the base getting a waiver was extremely simple and basically automatic. So from my experience your best bet is to just get commissioned to be a pilot and try and get the waivers after the fact because that's what I did and it worked perfect for me now I don't have to worry about the waivers at all since I'm already a pilot my hearing is understood to be getting s***** overtime. See if you can retake the test and spam the button when you take the hearing test. To convince them to let me take the test I got three different hearing test from 3 different audiology offices to show them my hearing was good enough to convince them I was worth letting take the AF test again. I hope this helps good luck
  8. This honestly won't help anyone but the Air Force. Current guidance to us RQ-4 gents is that the MQ-1/9's are hurting so if you desire to return to flying after your run in RPAs, it's likely the magic eight ball at AFPC will hit "Outlook not so good." They dumped a standard metric shit ton of pilots from AMC into RPAs and we have heard different tales on if AMC wants us back or not(RQ-4 side). Rumor is they are trying to fill the two RQ-4 squadrons with enlisted pilots and only have officer pilots running the command/ip/shop chief positions. We have been told that we will likely see the first ones in 1 to 1.5 years. I'd like to be able to say I'll be glad to be on my way out but that may be with Creech orders in hand.
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