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Everything posted by Finch

  1. I assume you meant Youngstown for the OH C-130. The Guard lost their tails a long time ago.
  2. Already discussed here man
  3. He’s absolutely real.
  4. usajobs.gov is probably a good start
  5. They knew ahead of time for ENJJPT. The only people that applied during OTS were AD.
  6. It’s not common, but yes. Know of some JSTARS and -130H buddies that went.
  7. Frozen for everyone without a tentative job offer from OPM. A lot of people have been screwed, but that’s the Air Force and you can’t count on anything that’s not in writing.
  8. I had a gap in orders between OTS/UPT and UPT/PIQ, so plan for the worst case accordingly. USERRA is a wonderful thing if you do have a job by the time you leave for training. However, your unit should work with you and keep you on orders if the gap is less than 30 days.
  9. I’m 31 and single with no kids. It has never been as issue with me ever. Especially if you don’t mind being the DD haha.
  10. You won’t need a waiver. GPA requirement pretty much only applies if you’re applying to AD boards.
  11. My waiver was approved by NGB/SG. Sure, the state surgeon may help or hinder (I’ve dealt with both), but the finally authority came from NGB. Just make sure you have your ducks in a row with paperwork, second opinions, medical reports, etc., and know what those say inside and out. If SG rejects the waiver, FIGHT! NGB f’ed up my waiver the first time around, solely for the fact that the person reviewing it was sloppy and didn’t care to read all the way through the reports.
  12. Shack. Studs also don’t realize how many badass and different missions are out there besides warheads-on-foreheads. When I went through T-6s, every Friday an IP from a different platform would brief us on their mission, family life, lifestyle, trips, etc. I knew at least five classmates that realized they wanted AFSOC/AMC after all.
  13. I’d be hard pressed to find a T-1 stud that tracked a F-35 or F-15E in those drops 😉
  14. What the heck did I just read?
  15. That looks like an unofficial, in-house reg. About six years ago when I was looking at doing AD before getting picked up by the guard, my own recruiter had a document somewhat similar to that. It wasn’t an official reg. I’d highly recommend you find another recruiter elsewhere.
  16. Three checkrides in the T-1: Transition, Navigation, and Mobility Fundamentals.
  17. I don’t have my stein handy, but I’m 99.69% certain this is the company CBM studs use for steins. They always seem to turn out well. https://www.ajmugs.com/products.php?category=Steins
  18. Some will hold joint pilot/nav boards, others separately. Best bet would to check out their websites, bogidope, or cold calling the squadron POC.
  19. From my understanding, C-130H units are generally hurting for Navs in the ANG/AFRC. You shouldn’t have a tough time landing a slot with a unit, if you choose to go that route.
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