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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Any more details?
  2. Haven’t seen anything for the guard or reserve but the active duty one has been on myfss for a while. Not sure if it’s open to sign or not. It’s basically 35k a year if you sign on time.
  3. Dead link now. Any updates?
  4. But there is a lot of data to support the common sense.
  5. So if you don’t take the bonus 3 years early and just take it on time, it ends up being the same bonus? 35k a year? And active duty thinks this is a good idea?
  6. Is it an insurrection? Are they trying to overthrow?
  7. Just ask your cc if it’s cool if you disappear for 20 days. Go straight to the man and cut out shoe clerks. That’s your answer.
  8. How come being a “Trans” isn’t a red flag to gun ownership. Documented history of that being a mental illness and having a much much much higher instance of suicide and attempted suicide which screams red flag.
  9. Nice try China! Try your trickery elsewhere.
  10. Epic. I like it.
  11. They actually did. And then the Air for signed off on it. Some of the leadership in the community was tired of people saying unmanned so they recommended a change. Circa 2009
  12. A made up name about themselves. What’s in a name? Strong argument YOU have there.
  13. I think they prefer remote controller or unmanned pilot. It’s the sensor operators who like being called pilots.
  14. A 40% suicidality (sp?) rate. I guess we as a military are ok with that.
  15. Congrats pawnman. That’s awesome. The American dream.
  16. I get what you are trying to say. And to a certain extent I agree about what you are saying about diversities. However I think a white male and another white male can be an example of diversity. Not because of their skin and crotch obviously but because of an untold number of other diversity factors. Sex and skin color are some of the worst indicators of diversity imaginable. And yet that’s what’s focused on.
  17. Cool thing is in the guard you can get out of this bonus as it isn’t an ADSC
  18. 5% female. Have you ever considered that maybe they don’t want to do the same jobs as men? Why are their so many male construction workers or mechanics? Why aren’t the women equally represented? Are there other possible answers other than sexism or racism to your perceived problems? And are those reasons way more likely to answer your why question than the system is broken and racist, sexist or some sort of ist? Do you understand that equity is more likely actually racist or sexist than it isnt? And do the groups who you claim are under represented feel this way too in actuality or is it just you being offended on their behalf instead of what is the most equal and right thing to do? I’d wager it’s what makes us American in the first place. The best thing is opportunity to succeed. And someone else hit it on the cranium. Why should a poor, black, female, who worked her butt off to get where he is at and in this example might be just as experienced as a male or majority race be held back because of his skin color and genitalia . The answer is she shouldn’t. And to do otherwise is racist and or sexist. Switch the roles around in that example of female to male and black to white and ask yourself the same question. The answer is DEI the way it’s marketed and employed is racist and sexist. It seeks to hold one group down at the expense of another.
  19. How do you input that into it?
  20. Wonder what the pendulum swing back is going to look like.
  21. Why do we even do a PT test? it’s discriminatory against those who have genetic and mental barriers. It’s sickening that the military would discriminate at all on anything.
  22. I believe at the end of the year you have to prove you were on full time orders in order to be shown as eligible to receive your in arrears payment. I’m not sure if you can or can’t come off AGR into MPA or like full time status. No missed days. And I don’t believe you bounce between different bonus options and amounts. Talk to your local bonus coordinator and if he/she doesn’t know, have them ask their NGB A1 bonus rep and then report back here for everyone’s benefit. IE you can’t keep a full time bonus if you aren’t eligible at the end of the year
  23. Is the new guard reserve bonus out?
  24. And from what I’m told any time you are finishing orders it can be considered terminal for the airlines purposes. Not sure if that’s written any where. And it just needs to be in conjunction with your orders ending. I’ve been told Delta will accept that in letter from your commander.
  25. Prozac? Pawnman?
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