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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Why lie? Wearing a mask isn’t required in DOD.
  2. Yeah. The potential still exists however to have an anthrax or greater level event. Because a lot of people absolutely don’t want these vaxes. For whatever reason. So as an outcome the DOD is risking losing a lot of people, or kicking a bunch out, and having a lot of lawsuits. To a higher degree than when it happened with anthrax. So something that has a survival rate in the high 90’s for most people in our military.
  3. Yes. That’s normal. Otherwise they have no proof and will show you as not having it in the system. This line of questioning from you makes me think there are people out there going to try and say they have had it and get away with that. Highly caution against that. Then they will have you on two things. Not vax’ing and lying. Not saying that’s what you are doing. Just made me think.
  4. Dod mandatory Vax in the next 1-3 months is rumint from the leadership. Nellis says take your vax card with you because you will be asked for it. And several places looking to make mask wearing for non vaccinated mandatory. Which is above and beyond dod secdef “should” policy.
  5. I think it depends on the state. But through the respective units
  6. The goods. ART bonus. Significant pay increase to the baseline pay. All Guard pilots are GS 13’s. Really good pay especially for a young officer. Bad’s. Stayed the same. Long time till retirement.
  7. That sucks. Thoughts on what a LODA is? Approval process? How long it lasts? Does everyone have to get one? That kind of stuff
  8. Already done. And the blind watchmaker. And the god delusion. Did you watch his interview with Ben Stein?
  9. If you want to do some on a study about why your opinion may be wrong or why that article isn’t complete you might check out a case for a Creator or Darwins black box. Both have interesting takes on the argument and aren’t based on religion.
  10. There’s not enough time in the day today to disagree with all the points that need it on that article. Agree to disagree.
  11. is it time for a new thread. Because no it doesn’t, yes it does will continue.
  12. Yeah. I agree and don’t think anyone was saying evolution has less evidence than creationism. If you want a new thread feel free. I find that people are pretty set in their beliefs on this one and have to search things out themselves.
  13. I usually agree with you. But I would guess you haven’t really studied or read on what it is creationism says and the evidence those who support it use to back it. CRT is in no way founded in science or truth. Not advocating for creationism to be taught in schools. Just saying your claims on it need a little rethought because it isn’t baseless like CRT. I don’t think anyone has advocated for creationism to be taught in schools in this thread . Just using a comparison saying that one isn’t violent or uprooting everything our country believes in but the other does and somehow is already being taught in parts or in whole in public school and it’s wrong and sick.
  14. Darwin even said in that his theory should be supported by the fossil record and that record should be plentiful. So far, not so much.
  15. Is that why the age of the universe keeps increasing? Carbon dating can’t go back that far. Is it because science can’t explain the really really low probability number and just keeps increasing the age to justify making it possible? Pretty sure the odds take into account age and the probability of it ever happening. Not just at any given point.
  16. You have to know what the intent behind created equal is and what it means. It doesn’t have anything to do with wealth inherited.
  17. https://www.foxnews.com/us/school-districts-whiteness-contract-book Survey says?
  18. Dirdnls post works. That’s as far as I got….
  19. And now it’s back. Disregard.
  20. Surveys and believing someone just because they have a credential is a logical fallacy. Argument or debate isn’t just because of opinion or because I said so. If CRT or tenants of CRT are being taught in even one school in this country then your argument self destructs. anyone know anywhere CRT is being taught or CRT theories or constructs? Or is Prozac’s survey good enough? No evidence needed? Case closed.
  21. “Bigotry of low expectations. Who wants their kids to be told they can’t succeed?”
  22. Baseops app hasn’t worked for a few days.
  23. I would 300,000 times rather have a school teach creationism theory over CRT. I would rather kids learn there is a theory that everything was potentially created by a loving God and the science behind it that potentially supports it. Instead of CRT which is a lie and a cult. Super sick and no where in any shape or form based on fact or science and actually calls out to action. Indoctrinates our kids and pushes them to a mean hateful way of life that’s racist. You’re either a victim or a victim created in CRT. Either way is bad and just pure trash. So consider that a loving God created everything or that it’s ok to discriminate against race sex or creed and that everything our country is founded on is wrong. You’re not dumber than than the quantifiable smart people or it’s not your fault you don’t have money, you’re oppressed and need the government to support you. I’m fine with not teaching either to our kids not interested in creating victims and fostering a racist mentality in our country I can’t believe that our society is even considering this. But this is the same society that is supposedly systematically racist (that minorities in droves come here to join every year) with zero proof or evidence. We are just supposed to now after 60 years of being told measure a man by his character and it’s wrong to judge him by the color of his skin, sex, creed to a mentality that says it’s ok to discriminate based on race, sex, or creed. It’s sick and un-American.
  24. It was plausible a year ago. People just didn’t want to believe it for whatever motivations they had. There was evidence to investigate then. What then? Depends on what’s found or determined.
  25. You really see no difference in what has been taught in our country and what crt is pushing? You weren’t taught that there was slavery? Were you not taught about Native Americans? And what discrimination weren’t you taught that you are claiming we now need taught? What warts weren’t you taught about? I may be missing the gist of your post but I would like more specifics.
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