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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Certified mission pilots or everyone that’s flown/rode inside of it?
  2. How many have flown the beast?
  3. Thank you. Completely serious. I needed that.
  4. I’ve never read into this. What are the details?
  5. I generally agree with you Huggy. This time I don’t. I feel bad for the people of China. Not the country.
  6. Thought you wanted to compare apples to apples? Have we shut down and hole quarantined for the flu? No but you quote death numbers for it. Then we have been home quarantined for covid and yet you quote it’s death numbers in the same breath. Not apples to apples.
  7. Just a really weird caveat that you can have what you have on 30 sept 2020 till 30 sept 2023.
  8. Decent microbrew in Wichita
  9. Oh yeah. Forgot about that. Mostly because it’s like once every 5 years and almost a non event Thanks pawnman. Sorry. Forgot about that.
  10. Girls age like milk generally.
  11. So are tanker units affected by this so they don’t fly? Pretty hard to get a tanker these days. I just figured this might have something to do with it.
  12. Yeah. No worries. Had to do a water survival course at pensacola back in the day with the navy (I think it moved to Spokane WA). But that’s it.
  13. Doesn’t compute..... why two separate dates? And so let’s say I have 90 days by 30 sept 20. Is there a new clock that starts running?
  14. Yeah....uh unfamiliar. (Read between the sarcasm lines for answer)
  15. What’s this swim thing you are talking about?
  16. That’s my point. It’s till FY23. I can save 150 by then, then have one hell of a terminal and go airlines, but wait, I’m done with consolidation so back on to orders with me. And all done with first year pay. Double dipping in fact, the whole time.
  17. Am I reading it right. So save up to 120 and that means if you have more than 120 at the end of the FY it will go back down to 120? Meaning you could have 150 saved up? So 5 months off?
  18. Never heard this myth ever. Not saying it isn’t out there. Just that I’ve heard a lot of rumors and this was never one.
  19. When use or lose will expire? End of Fiscal year. Last day in September every year for the Air Force (probably DOD too but I’m not sure)
  20. Thanks jazzdude. Same here. Kinda expected them to say we had to use them while working from home.
  21. Remember 10 years ago when they allowed you to go up to 75 days (or more maybe) use or lose? Think that will come back with everything going on?
  22. A 2 year captain is 6 years in. 6 plus 14 is 20. It is another example to his original question of how 20 years total service enlisted and commissioned wouldn’t make sense.
  23. So if you do AFTP’s/RD/RSD’s you can do 2 a day and they count 2 points towards your 50. Orders (AT, MEST, MPA, etc) only count as one.
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