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Everything posted by Guardian

  1. Wow. That's some ignorant stuff from people wanting to blame things not on their own actions but an inanimate object. Alcohol. How can an object be responsible for their personal decisions? Those dudes aren't accepted because they don't drink. It's because they impose their crap on everyone else and expect to be honored by it. That's what's wrong with our country at large and democrats. Ahhh. Pisses me off. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  2. I applaud you guys for doing that for them. It's important. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  3. It still goes higher to the office of csaf board. Regardless of an afpc approval or disapproval. Afpc's current policy is to generally approve 6 months or less. And say no to anything more. The app has to go to all 4 stops regardless of approval or disapproval. The only way it wouldn't would be if you pulled it early. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  4. I also think they care about manning numbers where you are at vs where you are going. And cc comments. Maybe he said something like I really need this 11f for two more months then we would be ok. Or something of the sort. You never know and I bet it depends case by case. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  5. Two dudes in the active duty where I am a guard guy just got approved pc with non concur from sq/cc, wg, and AFPC. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  6. Cadet letter? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. Or RPA time I would imagine. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  8. They tested this stuff back in the 60's already. Was hard to get the extra energy to counteract the outward forces caused by a circular runway. This was back in the f9 panther and cougar days. Days where the airplanes were already super underpowered. But I think it caused a lot of weird stresses on the landing gear too. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  9. Won't change a thing Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  10. Don't understand a lot of the acronyms being thrown around about the NAVs. Could you explain why it matters what seat they are in? Not being confrontational. Just ignorant on the subject. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  11. But then the WG/CC couldn't drink! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  12. Have a sit down and drink them all under the table producing a two day hangover for them, while giving them mandatory duties that you help with during said hangover. Give them desk drawer paper work. Make them go through all of the programs the AF already has in place. Probably lose some credibility during track select/drop night. Then if they haven't cleaned up their act by then make the paper work non desk drawer. Give them the least desirable airframe on their list. And move on. Or punish a couple other 1000 or so people for the mistakes of a few. WWROD (Robin Olds)? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  13. And you can always request a points update through myPERS. They will let you know what your 20 yr AD or guard retirement date can be based on if you are AGR till the end or assuming 20 good years for guard/res Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  14. Was way less amused by obamas shenanigans. Saw the other day that a committee determined he was the 12th best president in history. Guessing it was the same committee that determines the oscars. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  15. I heard that recently that if they deny you for let's say 12 months forgiveness that they will approve you for 6 months forgiveness in the same decision so you don't have to reapply and go through the pain again. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  16. Correct. There are quite a few more active duty day types. Training days. Mest. Mpa. Can be title 10 or 32(state if you are guard) Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  17. I've heard the same, that NGB was trying to get rid of both the 25k bonus and the 15k bonus. They don't think they have a pilot problem either. We also recently lost two full timers. Can't get anyone to take an ART job at all. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  18. Inactive duty doesn't count towards your 20 year AD retirement. They will count towards your good year for a guard retirement however. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  19. It's a Northrop product. It will be just the same as the B2 and fail to take advantage of 30 years worth of advances. Even back then Northrop didn't do a good job with their contracts. I don't think they have an ergonomic engineer in the whole company. It's a shame they won the competition just so the gov can avoid a Boeing Lockheed duapoly. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  20. From what I heard they had to force people to do striker vista. If you have to force it then what's the point? Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  21. Sounds like active duty is starting to infiltrate the guard/reserves. Sad. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  22. My SAPR training told me that I was a rapist for going to a party, having a drink, and talking to a girl at the party. Red dot! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  23. Retz has a business? Thats awesome! Haha. His callsign is short for Tourette's. Buy him a beer. See what happens. Hours of fun! Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  24. I say bring back warrants if it allows us to get rid of a lot of senior MSGTs and CMSgts. Generally deemed to be next to worthless. For every chief worth their salt I have met 20 that didn't deserve to even test for senior. And they think they are DVs. Self inflated egos for sure. Since when has a chief been more important than a squadron commander? Sorry. Pretty anti E8/9 if you couldn't tell. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  25. Well at least if we have to stay we can push our sleeves up like everyone else. Because that was what was making me want to get out. But now that I can do that, I'm staying. (Sarcasm) Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
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