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  1. Anyone know if this increment will continue? Sent from my iPad using Baseops Network Forums
  2. Maybe I'm out of touch but it seems high that 40% of IPZ Majors are working above the MAJCOM level.
  3. Looking at the promotion statistics for Lt Col last year, what does the demographic "MAJCOM" mean? There was a 64% promotion rate for PRF's with a MAJCOM PAS code, as opposed to 72% overall. Does "MAJCOM"include everyone from the wings and the staffs all the way to MAJCOM staff? According to the statistics there were 985 eligibles at the MAJCOM level so that leaves 742 others... Does that mean 742 people above MAJCOM level at COCOM and Joint Staffs? Seems like too many people. Who is NOT included in "MAJCOM?"
  4. So with 84% promotion opportunity what would that normally equate to for IPZ promotion percentage--75%?
  5. I believe last years Lt Col board results were released on 9 June. Last thing I saw on MyPers is saying mid to late June for P0516B. Anyone hear anything else?
  6. Anyone know how long it takes for your "selection board" folder that met the board to show up on PRDA? I can view my 2 and 1 BPZ. The board met about a month and a half ago.
  7. Are records at a promotion board evaluated in a random order? Are you grouped with the rest of your Senior Raters ratees? Are the records anonymous or can the board members see your name?
  8. There are way too many other variables to track that data. "Super P" means nothing if there isn't a decent record of performance to back it up (i.e., strats, PME pushes, and follow-on staff recommendations that match the strat ). It also depends a great deal on who is signing the PRF. Not all senior raters carry the same amount of weight. To make matters more complicated, a senior rater that would have normally done well at an MLR or CSB can be called out for shenanigans that affect his/her credibility and therefore influence the outcome of the boards. Examples include strong positive language on a bottom line with no record to back it up, multiple "super P" or "if I had one more..." pushes amongst eligibles, or exaggerated/just plain untruthful verbiage in the narrative that board members catch. Ok then let's assume the person has a solid record just short of receiving a DP and the SR has a good reputation for not speeding. In that case would "super p" make a difference or is it just fluff BS?
  9. How much does a "super p" help the chances of promotion? Is there any kind of tracked data on that?
  10. So basically per the AMC brief, if you are to get promoted with a P to O-5 you need to have most of the following: PRF DP push, strat, CC push and SDE push along with consistent OPR strats and CC/DE pushes. However, looking at the #s of people passed over it seems the things those people lacked the most were PRF strat, OPR strats, OPR CC pushes, and duties above wing. Those seemed to be the key, at least in AMC.
  11. So help me understand slide 50 (performance based review) of the Lt Col Promotion Results brief... Is that saying that 1 of the 28 guys who were passed over for O-5 had every one of those "boxes" checked in his record and didn't get selected? That is very useful information when trying to figure out your chances.
  12. Chuck, that's great info. Thanks!
  13. My SR chose to leave a # of strats off that suprised ke a bit. But once I thought about it I think it made sense. First, he cut out some repetitive ones. Once they state you are 1/7 AC's, they may feel they don't need to say you were also 2/12 AC's rift next to it. Also, they may leave off a good strat that is maybe top 15 or 20% when trying to paint you as a consistent top 10% performer, for example. I don't really agree with that, but that may be their technique. Maybe they are trying to paint breadth. My SR left off a good CGO strat but I am at my O-5 board so I don't know if that was the reason I guess it all depends on what you have in your box of strats. Personally I think the more the better if they are top 20% but I am not a senior rater or board member. However, I am pretty sure that board members are at least looking at the top and bottom lines of the rater and additional rater blocks of the OPRs. At least I hope they are.
  14. Is being on an AOC staff considered similar to NAF staff?
  15. Does a board recognize and appreciate "late bloomers" or people who were lost in the shuffle for periods of their career? For example if someone goes from staff pushes of NAF to MAJCOM to HAF and command pushes in a 3-4 year period, does that improvement carry significance? I can appreciate steady improvement because I think we identify future leaders at too early of an age at times.
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