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WheelsUp last won the day on April 28 2019

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  1. Oh we were briefed on it like a month ago, just what the commander said....hmmm
  2. I understand not being allowed to do it, but.... The military goes too far with it, even if you don’t smoke it you could lose your clearance even if you own part of a stock involved with it
  3. No it applies to reserves too. From what I understand he was the DO/squadron commander and her an AGR in command post it applies when they are both in status....and if she was living there and he bought her a car then it applies
  4. Exactly. I know word got around Youngstown about it but it doesn’t help his ex wives are there. But to risk everything twice?
  5. Duck, have you looked into a divorce where she is at fault instead of a no fault divorce? Meaning she was the one who broke the marriage. I’m not sure how Florida is, but you usually fare better when you can prove fault, and if you have videos then you have it
  6. Unicorns...
  7. Damn I knew it was a bad situation but not that bad. Sucks for him. Usually if you don’t lie your fine
  8. Florida is a terrible place for any man to get divorced. If you ever have to deal with child support good luck. 50/50 is going to difficult unless she is very agreeable to your airline schedule and you live in the same school district. Make sure you get joint legal so it makes it harder to take off with the kids. Don’t pay for her house, she can go to the bank and get her own mortgage. Doesnt sound like she makes too much so that might hurt you in child support. I pay $1000 for 1 and I know she’s just sitting back and waiting for me to hit my 1 year with the Airlines to recalculate, probably has the paychart as her iPhone home screen. As for visitation, there’s something called airline pilot possession order, I’ve read through it once and it was helpful but never had to use it. Better for you if your close location stays close to your kid,
  9. Aside from the drama trump brings I don’t think he’s done a bad job. Unemployment is down, military is funded well, and the wall is a good thing that will create a lot of jobs. Republican should be happy the have Cortez and Omar on their side, people may vote red just because of those 2 clowns
  10. I think I would vote for just about ANYONE on the right to keep illegals, slavery reparations talk, and child voters to be non-issues.
  11. I think I know who your talking about. I used to work with that dude. Great pilot, could have been a wing commander, but lacked ethics. Heard he left his ART job as the DO to go FedEx when the investigation started, anticipating the shitcan was he?
  12. I had a good experience at AMU but I know other guys didn't, box checked and I'm glad it's over
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