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Everything posted by MadDogJr

  1. Thanks. I was split between ROTC and the Academy. My mom graduated there back in 89', so it has always been a sort of goal and I visited it before. I'm learning to fly from my dad now, will this help at all? Also, I'm worried about being able to get in.
  2. Background: I'm currently nearing the end of my freshmen year of HS, so I assume I have a bit of time to prepare myself beforehand. My grades are pretty good with usually all A's and one B taking all the honors I can. Both of my parents were in the Air Force and my dad was a helicopter pilot in SOCOM , so I have grown up with this mindset, and a few weeks ago I decided this is what I wanted to pursue. I, of course, would like to go down fighter or, like my dad, helicopter track. I know they are the very select few, and I would be happy flying anything, but that's why I want to start now. I also know that there is a lot I can't do now. Anything that I can work towards, including attitudes, would be helpful. Also, hoping for ROTC Scholarship where my dad went through, or USAFA where my mom graduated. Questions/Sort of Concerns: I have between 20/30 and 20/40 distant vision (20/20 correctable) and 20/20 near. I saw that these don't disqualify me, but I was wondering if this would ever be a problem (as long as they don't get worse). Also, physically, what should I know before going in. My cardio is sub-par, so how could that play in? Personally, I'm working to stop my procrastination habit. Thanks
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