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Everything posted by faipmafiaofficial

  1. ya I've been in that reg. not a good answer in there unfortunately. I'm API 6, but dont plan on flying thats the big hangup
  2. Need a sanity check... I flew active duty for 11+ years and accumulated 126 gate months. PHA is still current. Last fall I joined the ANG in a non-flying Wing Staff position. I don't intend on flying for the foreseeable future. HARM is refusing to turn flight pay back on claiming that since I'm in an API 6 billet on the UMD, I can't get flight pay unless I "I am in the process of acquiring an ACIQ slot." I disagree and think flight pay eligibility depends solely on gate months when in a non-flying billet... Who's right?
  3. Car wash manager for minimum of 125K....thats like a senior Capt at a UPT base flying 3 sorties a day...goes to show you how far behind the Air Force is at valuing its pilots
  4. Goldfein backing Grosso today... https://www.heritage.org/defense/event/rebuilding-air-force-readiness watch the whole thing but stop loss talk at 17 min mark
  5. Cross posted in the other thread... Looks like Grosso doesn't agree with Everhart https://www.airforcetimes.com/articles/air-force-stop-loss-is-not-on-the-table-in-effort-to-retain-pilots The disturbing part about this is it seems that the Air Force generals aren't even close to being on the same page with each other AND you even have generals acting on their own and talking with the industry about potential measures that aren't even being considered. Unreal
  6. Looks like Grosso doesn't agree with Everhart https://www.airforcetimes.com/articles/air-force-stop-loss-is-not-on-the-table-in-effort-to-retain-pilots the disturbing part about this is it seems that the Air Force generals aren't even close to being on the same page with each other AND you even have generals acting on their own and talking with the industry about potential measures that aren't even being considered. Unreal
  7. I see what he's saying. But ya never going to happen. If you opt into BRS as a pilot they will just wait and offer you the BRS continuation and the pilot retention bonus at the same time...that's not a bad chunk of change though.
  8. Y'all are right I have no idea what I'm talking about
  9. Anyone know how much the new BRS continuation bonus will be for pilots? I know it's between 2.5X and 13X your base pay at the 8-12 year mark. Just didn't know if pilots would get the max if they opted in and took the BRS continuation bonus
  10. Ya I haven't and don't plan on it
  11. If commanders give unlawful orders then the IG won't have their back. The schoolhouse cc clause in appendix O was removed in December of 2016. It is no longer in the JTR anywhere that a CC is allowed to take away your rights and entitlements given to you by federal law. Commanders are are not allowed to disregard federal law and do whatever they want. Unless I'm wrong and I totally could be. But if they could, what's the point of the JTR?
  12. Think that will hold up during an IG investigation for a CONUS base in a nice city?
  13. What gives him/her authority to override federal law?
  14. Columbus is fine. Well worth the 1200 T-1 instructor hours
  15. If I'm an airline CEO I'm just laughing at this. How would any of that above benefit them? They are REAPING the benefits of the Air Force losing pilots. Why would they even come to the table to talk about stuff like this?
  16. A schoolhouse commander cannot order you to stay on base
  17. Was just told by Travis finance that I would not be reimbursed for lodging if off base lodging was used when on base is available...Then got emailed back like an hour later saying they would lol
  18. The worst fighter pilot is better than the best heavy pilot. Duh
  19. The JTR was written to encourage competition. "If you don't like your room, just go off base" That SHOULD cause base lodging to raise their game to get our business. Competition increases quality of product. 10 times out of 10 Base lodging sucks compared to off base lodging. Outdated/dirty/broken...etc base lodging rooms are the norm. Instead of renovating and fixing issues to compete in the market, wing leadership just forces people (up to 5 people in a 1 bedroom, 450 sq ft TLF) to stay in them and doesn't waste the money to fix anything. Good times in the AF right now, good times
  20. Lol fair enough. Who cares about regs then
  21. Even if what you do is legal/not wrong?
  22. Where does it say they can override the JTR and order you to stay on base? Been looking for a week for this
  23. Love it. We will see what happens.
  24. Was told today that the lodging manager at Lackland decided the 1 bedroom TLF's are suitable for 5 people. He won't give a non-A unless you have 6 or more and a 1 bedroom unit is all that is available...thoughts?
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