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Everything posted by faipmafiaofficial

  1. There is nothing wrong with the FAIP assignment process. 38 kids who got bombers should have worked harder. there will always be "undesirable" assignments in the drop pool for FAIPS. That will never change. IMO giving more fighters to studs right now is very smart. They are locked in for 10 years where FAIPS are only locked in for another 5ish max (starting from square 1 when they start). I bet all these studs now fly operational for 4 years then go straight back to AETC
  2. class 17-01 (grad Friday 28 Oct) + FAIPS dropped a total of 32 vipers...thats insane
  3. Unfortunately for FAIPS, every community requests them. That leaves some dudes with some "bad deals." I tallied everything and here is how the FAIPS did this year Sorry for the long post ENJJPT 2 F-35 2 F-15E 3 F-16 1 A-10 1 B-2 1 B-52 COLUMBUS 38 FAIPS 2 B-1 2 F-15E, 3 F-16 F-15C F-22 T-1 FAIPS B-1 B-52 C-5 Travis 2 KC-135 Fairchild E-8 Robbins E-3 Geilenkirchen C-130J Dyess C-130J Little Rock KC-10 Travis KC-10 McGuire MC-130J Cannon C-17 McGuire C-17 McChord RC-135 Offutt HC-130J Moody LAUGHLIN 38 FAIPS F-35 5 F-16 4 F-15E 2 A-10 2 B-1 F-22 B-52 T1 FAIPS 2 B-52 CV-22 C-146 duke C-17 Charleston C-17 McGuire C-17 Mcchord EC-130 DM 2 E-3 tinker C-130J ramstein C-130J Little Rock Ac-130W cannon C-130J dyes KC-135 McConnell U-2 VANCE T38 FAIPS F-35 4 F-16 F-15C A-10 B-2 B-52 T-1 FAIPSC-5 Dover2 C-17 CharlestonC-17 Hickam2 B-522 KC-135 FairchildRC-135 OffuttEC-130 DMC-146 DukeKC-135 MacdillU-2 -5 Buffs and 1 Bone to T-1 FAIPS-3 Buffs, 4 Bones, & 2 B-2 to T-38 FAIPS
  4. T-1 FAIPS this year (still awaiting their drop that was supposed to come out July 1) are being told to rack and stack B-1 and B-52 on their drop sheet. They are still awaiting the decision on whether that will be activated. Basically all FAIPS who flew the 38 in UPT will be getting fighters due to the shortage
  5. What has he done that is so incredible?
  6. Laughlin, Columbus, and Vance can't handle that many 38 people in a single class. Yes that will be happening for the foreseeable future every class...
  7. You know what I mean
  8. we will see all I do know is there will be some shady stuff going on because of the Air Force passing this...what they will "save" by enacting this they will just spend again in trying to catch and prosecute folks who try to game the system...
  9. Thats not at all what they do for TDY properties at Altus and Randolph....TDY folks are given $60 per day for lodging and can't bank any of it. Pit pads charge $60 per night and fill their houses. They for sure offer all kind of incentives to keep their place filled up at all times...
  10. It won't be all fine and dandy for folks who own investment properties...there will be so many rentals available at "max price" people will have to start including things like lawn care, cleaning service, free utilities, blah blah blah just to keep their place filled...there will still be tons of competition trust me.
  11. bump this to the top. Looking at C5s this summer when I leave Columbus. I know the upsides of each location all I want to know about are the downsides. Im a married with baby O-3. Thanks for the help!
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