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  1. The incentive bonus is not applicable to guard and reserve pilots: Reference page 537: (b) RATED OFFICERS DESCRIBED.—Rated officers described in this subsection are rated officers serving on active duty in the Air Force, excluding rated officers with a reserve appointment in the Air National Guard or Air Force Reserve IN GENERAL.—Under the demonstration program required under subsection (a), the Secretary shall offer retention incentives under subsection (d) to a rated officer described in subsection (b) who executes a written agreement to remain on active duty in a regular component of the Air Force... AVIATION BONUS.—Under the demonstration program required under subsection (a) not withstanding section 334(c) of title 37, United States Code, the Secretary may pay to a rated officer described in subsection (b) an aviation bonus not to exceed an average annual amount of $50,000 (subject to paragraph (3)(B)).
  2. Cast your net as wide as active duty too.
  3. To piggy back off of this: if we are Guard and have a 3 month gap between OTS and UPT, do we need to take leave or can we just go back to our civilian jobs for the time being?
  4. Selected: September 2016 FC1: November 2016 NGB Approval: May 2017 Dates: May 2017 OTS: September 2017 UPT: February 2018 ENJJPT I was a very "cookie cutter" case. Non-prior, no waivers. Glad to know I wasn't the only one waiting forever for dates. See yall there.
  5. We don't understand it is an opportunity unless we have someone (family/mentor) who can expose us to it. I'd say that's true of everyone though. When every picture of someone in a cockpit doesn't look like or represent you, its harder to make a connection at a any age that it's something you can do too. When I was in girlscouts, we did sowing, baking and figuring out what clothing color looked best with our skin, today I'm getting girlscout troops onto the airfields and into cockpits.
  6. I interviewed and made friends with some folks on the trail last year. The only ones hired had PPLs and the others were told to get their PPL and apply again next year. One friend gets invited to every interview but doesn't have a PPL so he doesn't stack up to the competition in the final decision. The other friend went to an interview with a unit that had an "algorithm" and they disqualified him because he (at the time) didn't have a PPL... even though he was their favorite candidate! Anecdotal evidence but I hope I'm wrong.
  7. Us little spoon people resent that! No shame.
  8. Do you have a phone number I can follow up with for my package?
  9. You'll be fine. Lots of couples have done it before in the past. Lots of spouses put their foot down against moving to del rio to continue focusing on their own career ambitions, which totally makes sense.
  10. A goodwill suit got me a job! I had to find the same kind of black material that matched the jacket but no one was the wiser.
  11. I know some of you are hustling for flight time, check out this opportunity Due: March 3rd Must be at least 18-years old or older at the time of application submittal. Pursuing a career in aviation/aerospace science. High School Graduate (or Equivalent) and/or currently enrolled or accepted to a 2-year or 4-year college/university which offers an aviation/aerospace science degree or similar, or actively pursuing a career in military aviation. Please provide details. If enrolled in a college or University, must have declared a major in aviation/aerospace science. Military experience (currently in the military, any branch, senior ROTC program, or honorably discharged) highly valued in awarding this scholarship. https://www.alexgilmerscholarship.org/scholarships/ Last year they were only accepting applications for Colorado but this year it is USA-wide Some other scholarships coming up: https://nata.aero/Scholarships/Richard-L002E-Taylor-Flight-Training-Scholarship.aspx https://fitchburgpilots.org/Scholarship.aspx https://www.cessna195.org/login/?ref=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jZXNzbmExOTUub3JnL2ZvdW5kYXRpb24uaHRtbA== https://cessna170.com/ Good luck, let me know if you have questions
  12. I have been getting my push ups in and I developed a ganglion cyst (diagnosed) which has caused me pain in the pushup position. I've been able to continue doing a lower pushup count on my knuckles, but anytime my wrist is extended a certain way, I get pain. After the cortisone shot worked and faded, my PA recommended removal and said she does this all the time on military guys. The only healing is two weeks after for the incision. I'd like to do it, it's not urgent but I can't see a better time to do it than now before I go to OTS. Will this jeopardize my UPT pilot slot if I opt for removal? I've already passed the FC1 and MEPS, who would I go to to ask for permission? Thanks
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