My info only seems to be tangentially related to yours, but here goes.
I reported to a base hospital back in 2010 when i was enlisted with a problem. I had pain one time when urinating but they didn't find anything. Never had a problem again. Forgot it even happened.
Fast forward to flight physical (ROTC pilot slot) in summer 2018..they had that record on me, of course, so I have to pee in a jug using the urine from a single day aka the first pee of the day goes down the toilet, and the rest that day had to fill a large jug, maybe a gallon. They tested the jug contents for who knows what to see if i actually had any innate problems and I was cleared (heard nothing back, which is good.)
I know this isn't the same situation, but I hope this helps. Was that information recorded on paper via DodMERB and do they have any paperwork on it or from your civilian doctor? Do you have the app "Med Standards" to peruse for waiver information to ensure your info is completely up to date?
Hope this helps