I don't think you need to disclose encounters with police unless you were arrested or convicted of a criminal offense. Refer to excerpt from form SF86 below, I doubt MEPS checks anywhere close to what a clearance investigator would. Similarly, for medical history, I wouldn't list any doc visits in which you weren't diagnosed with a condition or prescribed medication. And I don't mean the flu or cold medicine.
"- In the past seven (7) years have you been issued a summons, citation, or ticket to appear in court in a criminal proceeding against you? (Do not check if all the citations involved traffic infractions where the fine was less than $300 and did not include alcohol or drugs) - In the past seven (7) years have you been arrested by any police officer, sheriff, marshal or any other type of law enforcement official? - In the past seven (7) years have you been charged, convicted, or sentenced of a crime in any court? (Include all qualifying charges convictions or sentences in any Federal, state, local, military, or non-U.S. court, even if previously listed on this form). - In the past seven (7) years have you been or are you currently on probation or parole? - Are you currently on trial or awaiting a trial on criminal charges?"