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  1. EN 18-07 Active AC-130x1 MC-130x1 F-15Ex3 B-52x1 T-38 FAIPx1 F-35Ax1 F-16x2 EC-130x1 F-15Cx1 U-28x1 T-38Ax1 A-10Cx1 E-8x1 Reserve F-15Cx1 A-10Cx1 Foreign Dutch F-16x4 RCAF CF-18x2
  2. Not to be contentious, but that isn't the case. They do a decent job of summing up your overall ability, to heavily include performance in airmanship programs. If it were grades alone I wouldn't have been selected. OP, I would say try to go ENJJPT in all cases unless you are dead set on going to AMC. All 38 drops cater to the needs of ACC, AFSOC, and AMC, in that order (I forget where GSC goes in that order). You get a different syllabus with more exposure to different types of flying which is if nothing else, quite enjoyable and could possibly help you make a more educated decision when filling out a dream sheet. Also, given the reduced frequency of drops here, if you're a strong swimmer they may give more consideration to getting you what you want, not a guarantee, but a greater likelihood. I also wouldn't be intimidated by the "stronger competition", unless you have 0 prior aviation experience. Feel free to send me a pm if you have further ENJJPT/38 related questions.
  3. This beautiful bird of prey finally has a name: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/20914/the-f-35-has-a-new-nickname-given-to-it-by-the-usafs-most-elite-pilots
  4. I know that's mostly rhetorical but if it's a glimpse of positivity our class was rock solid and had a fantastic drop (both on an absolute and relative scale)
  5. EN 18-05 Active C-17 x 1 RC-135 x 1 A-10 x 2 F-16 x 3 F-22 x 1 C-130J x 1 T-6 FAIP x 1 F-35 x 1 U-28 x 1 F-15E x 2 T-38 FAIP x 1 MC-130 x 2 T-38A x 1 Foreign German Eurofighter x 3 Canadian CT-156 x 1 German T-38 FAIP x 1 Canadian CF-18 x 1
  6. EN 18-04 Active F-16C x 3 A-10C x 1 T-6 FAIP x 1 MC-130 x 1 U-28 x 1 B-52 x 1 F-15E x 2 T-38 FAIP x 1 EC-130H F-15C x 1 T-38A x 1 F-22 x 1 Reserve A-10C x 1 Foreign German Tornado x 2 German Eurofighter x 2
  7. Allegedly it was traded the day of the Sheppard drop, from Sheppard. We had very, very strong "evidence" that we were gonna have the Growler.
  8. There was a 38 AC-130 as well
  9. For the top 10 I've got F-35, F-22, F-15E, F-16, A-10, F-15C, EA-18G, T-38A, T-38 FAIP, T-6 FAIP, and then bombers, afsoc, amc.
  10. Thanks for the input guys, it truly is helpful, I turned it in yesterday and I'm feeling pretty good about the order. I appreciate that there's dudes out there willing to offer some wisdom to us ignorant young folk. At this point I'm very excited to see what comes next and I'll be sure to throw it in the assignment thread when 26 Jan rolls around!
  11. Hello folks, I'm a T-38 stud and my dream sheet is due next Friday. I wanted to ask for advice from some of the seasoned dudes around here who have experience doing the mission and know the ins and outs of combat aviation and what it really means to be an operational fighter pilot. There are a few things I know with absolute clarity: 1) I want to be a fighter pilot, period, dot , the end. 2) I want to have a kinetic impact on whoever it is we fight, i.e. rain hate on bad guys. 3) There is an incredible amount that I don't know that I don't know. Given those conditions, I want to ask the question, if you had to go back and talk to your ~24 yr old self about to fill out your dream sheet, what advice would you offer to best accomplish those goals knowing what you know now about the reality of fighter aviation. Thank you for helping out in advance!
  12. The Shep C-17 was by request, however the 130J wasn't. Everyone is most excited about the return of the Viper!
  13. Only things missing are: Canadian CF-18 x 2 Italian Tornado x 1
  14. EN 18-02 drops on 1 December
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