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Everything posted by Magic24

  1. What does this comment have to do with the story of losing an engine in flight and the crew putting it down safely?
  2. OKC hiring for UPT! OA-1K for those interested in AFSOC.
  3. How many interviews have you received through rushing? What has the feedback been after rushing units? Dude, enlisting at a unit when you’re already established at a legacy would be a huge gut punch going to BMT/tech school. You’ll be treated like you’re 18 regardless of being 27 and having a great career. Not worth it IMO! Instead of enlisting I would just rush that squadron and tell them this is where you want to be and you’re all in to that unit if fighters or bust. I did something similar and enlisted after I got my degree thinking it would increase my chances. At the end of the day I don’t think it really will. They will select who they want regardless if you enlisted at 27 or not. You’re still competing with younger enlisted folks in the unit, legacies, etc. Luckily, I applied elsewhere and got picked up. Lastly, I concur with Stoker! To fly in the military you need to want to be an officer first and truly want to serve your country(not saying you don’t) but if you truly want to fly and serve your country open your eyes to more than fighters or bust. There’s a lot more to it than ripping around in a Viper on Drill weekends once a month! Feel free to PM me if you want!
  4. Base Decision Memorandum has been signed!
  5. Depends on your background. Non 11F; highly unlikely! Even in 11F Air Force background it’s an absolute nightmare switching branches….
  6. Check out BogiDope. The 185 SOS out of Oklahoma City just posted a UPT board hiring window. Bright future for that unit!
  7. I’ll echo what @brabus said. Wear UOD and introduce yourself normally. We’ll see what your rank is, and frankly don’t really care what your rank is. Be yourself, listen to conversations, contribute when you can, and don’t get too hammered! Also, never show up empty handed....
  8. “New Orleans is pretty straightforward in that they don’t like older applicants” with a comment from former 122 FS sq/cc right above. 😂
  9. Did the Buckley wannabe just resurface? Bro, if you can't take a little criticism from guys who probably have a few thousand hours in fast movers, 4 ship flight leads, IP's, patch wearers, and especially a fighter squadron commander who certainly has more important things to do than give you his honest opinion then how do you expect to make it through UPT??? There's a reason the ones who get fighters have really good scores and are highly intelligent. By God if you make it to UPT with your current attitude and quibbling you'll find yourself at a CR before you can even have your Ops Limits memorized! Now that you've learned Rule #1 it's time to learn Rule #2: Never miss an opportunity to shut the f*** up
  10. “Uh” probably keeping it internal to Ops if something happened! In the unit doesn’t mean you’re in the know with what goes down in Ops. Only for your SA, not trying to be a dick!
  11. I haven't been on any hiring boards yet, but I was in this position when I was rushing units! I'll piggy back off @SocialD since his advice is what I followed. I interviewed with a unit and the following month or so I already had another interview lined up with probably my more preferred unit. I was honest in the interview and told them I also had another interview lined up, and when asked if I was hired would I still interview at the other unit I respectfully said yes. They offered me the job the next day! I definitely think part of why I was selected was because they respected that I was honest with them! Fast forward to the other interview, I ultimately wasn't hired. When I called back to my hiring unit asking if the offer was still on the table they said absolutely, and never asked about the other interview. Bottom line man go with what you are morally comfortable with! For me I just couldn't keep that from them and potentially burn a bridge! Had I never told them, interviewed at the other unit, and they found out then that phone call asking if offer was still on the table could have been a lot different. Hope this helps!
  12. Have you tried Facebook? The 159th FW has a page. Message or email their Public Affairs office and ask for a number to Ops. Ask to speak to the DO or Chief Pilot. They'll be able to answer your specific questions and how to schedule a visit. Sometimes the hardest part is just getting in contact with the right people. Good luck!
  13. Currently in UPT and have heard rumors of unsponsored hires being able to be assigned to the reserve squadron after graduation if said persons couldn't find a unit at the end of training. I highly highly doubt a reserve training squadron will sponsor somebody and send them to UPT though. Best bet would be go unsponsored if unsponsored boards are still happening.
  14. Your AFOQT scores and package to get picked up for pilot training have absolutely no bearing on what you end up tracking! Day 1 of UPT everyone is equal, whether USAFA, ROTC, or OTS! Track will depend on the MASS at the end of phase 2. -Magic
  15. Went up to Wright Pat for FCI, and all went well with eyes! Then came the dreaded depth perception test. Ended up failing that first try. The Optometrist put me in glasses and I passed with those on. He said I would just need to wear glasses when I flew! Showed up to UPT for physical (yes, you’ll do all of this again during in-processing) was good with eyes and last was again the depth perception test. Tried it without glasses and sure as shit I passed. Glasses went away and haven’t touched them since. I wouldn’t sweat it! As long as you’re correctable to 20/20 you shouldn’t have anything to worry about! Fun fact: the answer is never 1 or 5....
  16. Address your cover letter to the Sq/cc if possible! I’ve seen Letter of Recs addressed also to Sq/cc’s, “To Whom it May Concern,” and for example “123 FS UPT Board Members.” I’m not sure if the LOR’s matter as much as to who they’re addressed to verse the content in the letter! Others can chime in with their experiences.
  17. Guard guy in my OTS class was 42...
  18. Guard is completely different. To my knowledge with getting accepted unsponsored by USAFR is they will send you to OTS and UPT in which you will ultimately need to find a unit. Reserve Fighter units will already have the guys they want, sponsor them, send them to all the training knowing they are coming back. Granted they have to make it through UPT, IFF, RTU. Anyone who has additional uncle feel free to chime in.
  19. Reserve applicants hired with a Fighter unit will definitely be sponsored.
  20. I'm not trying to be a dick here, but do you really have to ask? As long as you don't absolutely bomb the AFOQT and TBAS you are in a far better starting point than probably majority of others who are applying. Rush the squadron, work hard on drill weekends, and be a good bro in your shop.
  21. Same, sounds like I'm in the same boat!
  22. I believe on the OTS side there's an ENJJPT interview process while you're there.
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