How does one go about this?After applying to every Guard fighter UPT board I could find information on over the last two years and visiting as many units as I could, I made it to a couple interviews without getting selected. I am almost 29. I kept going, but followed some advice and started applying for heavies as well. Now I have an offer from a Herk unit! ...however, I have a severe case of justwanttobeafighterora10pilotitis and do not want to give up the dream, whatever it takes. Yes I have read through the ANG fighter pilot lifestyle and other threads here and am ready to take all the queep, briefing, debriefing, exposure suit bladder holding, and whatever else it would take to get even a small amount of flight time.1. Is it possible to get T-38s in UPT, slightly increasing my chances that sometime in the future I can cross-flow to 11FX?2. Let’s say I excelled in the T-6, could I get hired by a fighter squadron while in training, just like an unsponsored Reserve stud can? I read on this forum that "You will either sell your mother to be a fighter pilot or you wont”... but it seems that attempting to switch to fighters during UPT would be too far in the ethical gray zone given that a unit already gave me their trust to complete pilot training and come back to fly with them.I know I should be extremely thankful for what I have, take it, shut up, and be happy to have any flying opportunity. Herks are awesome and I have nothing against heavies, but at the end of the day I want to know that I didn’t give up on my goal and tried everything. Part of me is ready to risk it all and even turn down the C-130 slot just to be able to keep rushing fighter units, even though with my age I’m getting into waiver territory and it will be that much harder to make it over a qualified younger guy.Thanks if you made it this far any insight would be extremely helpful.