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    Charts, maps, languages, the world.

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  1. Thanks g-man...checked the rules at their website -- can't believe I never knew about this before: Military If you’re on active military duty, you have complimentary access to all Admirals Club lounges when traveling the same day on an American Airlines operated flight. When you arrive, please present your: Boarding pass for same day travel on an American Airlines operated flight Military ID Working orders
  2. I'm still holding on to my two favorite pairs of black boots, just in case we're allowed to wear them again. Every green boot I've tried is an abomination. Maybe I'm just old.
  3. Who?

    Latest Movies

    Agreed on some counts. I enjoyed it and laughed/cheered at some points, but MAN there were some strong flashbacks to the first movie. The "good guys" are on basically the same mission to destroy a big planet-like object that can destroy other planets, and they're doing it in the same old X-Wing fighters as before, even with the same helmets. Makes me think of my legacy C-130 crewmates, since the span of time in Star Wars is actually less than we've flown the E/H models.
  4. And Pegasus was taken by the Navy T-44 King Air.
  5. If it's like Yokota (and from my experience stopping through I think it is), the shoppette will get a small amount of something interesting pretty regularly, but it won't be around for long. You just have to keep checking every week or so. For a craft brew bar, this place in Naha came recommended, but I haven't been there personally: Baku 21 on Tap 〒900-0015 Okinawa Prefecture, Naha, Kumoji, 3 Chome−9−21, UD Kumoji Bldg 2F (enter this into Google Maps to see the location, near Kenchomae station) If you take a taxi, give this to the driver: 麦 〒900-0015 沖縄県那覇市 久茂地3丁目9−21 UD久茂地ビル2F
  6. I think this is what you're looking for:
  7. Who?

    Tax info

    I've used Tax Slayer for free since about 2006 and never had a complaint. Never used the state tax feature since my state of residence doesn't charge income tax for out-of-state military members, but Tax Slayer does charge a fee to file a state return.
  8. Getting the same malware warning page as was pictured in post #1 of this thread for the "Fake Soldier Called Out" thread in General Discussion...anybody else?
  9. Looks like it. I don't know the history behind choosing that particular line in the sand, but applying the post-30 Sep 1997 rules would be up to a particularly kind personnellist. Good luck and use a lot of sweet talking if you're going to try exemption by the note 1b.
  10. Same here -- had to send that info to AFPC when they automatically directed me to sign a new ADSC. From my quick math, it seems that flyjetz probably graduated initial flying training before 30 Sep 1997 if he wasn't late-rated. Otherwise, if he requalified into the same MWS (note 1c nullifies note 1b for crossflow training), the ADSC shouldn't have been incurred.
  11. Does your base have an Airmen's Attic?
  12. So I was on an Army base and noticed another AF flight suit-wearer the other day. As usual, I wondered if it was someone I knew (we were few and far between around there). It didn't seem to be an acquaintance, but then I noticed something else -- his patches looked misplaced. We were the same rank and both had senior stars on our wings. I approached him and said, "Hey dude, I think your flag and squadron patches might be reversed." I know that early-morning drowsiness can lead to uniform SNAFUs, and was just trying to help a brother out. He looked down at the American flag on his right arm and the squadron patch on his left arm and said, "No, flag on the right, squadron on the left, that's the way it's always been." The flag also had the canton (blue field with stars) in the upper left corner, unlike Army folks who wear it on the right arm with the canton in the upper right. I said, "Are you sure? I've never seen it that way before," but he was adamant that this was the way he always did it. Think I saw an RC/OC-135 patch on his tab pocket. So...as a MAF guy who has always put the squadron patch on the right arm and the US flag on the left, is there a different standard in other parts of the AF?
  13. Some things never change...my mom tells exactly the same story (substitute "popular American laundry detergent" for "socks") from a PX in Germany in the 1960s. The sales clerk's words were, "Oh, we had to stop carrying that -- it was so popular we just couldn't keep it in stock!" However, I will second all of the opinions that the BX is valuable for those stationed overseas. Maybe not quite as essential as the commissary, but helpful when you just need something common in a hurry and don't even know where to look for it on the economy, or if the item isn't common in that country. Finding affordable, casual clothing in the right size can be a challenge in Japan without the BX, too.
  14. Where does the article say that gambling is illegal on base? It just talks about not gambling while on duty or in your workplace.
  15. Isn't that the name of the T-44?
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