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  1. @FDNYOldGuyAwesome insight and glad to see the timeline from someone going through it.
  2. @pilotThanks for clarifying the continuous orders thing, that helps a lot. I agree on the ADSO thing (sorry if I misspoke and made it sound involuntary).
  3. 2 years left from Mother Rucker (I'm anticipating some pushback for that). Trying to jump before I go to Safety and IPC later this FY and get locked in for longer.
  4. Thanks @JustHangingOut ! Just submitted to new DD 368 to CoC today, so we shall see. The hurdle I had before was that the BN was prepping for a deployment and wasn't letting anyone go, bc they wanted people on the "bench" to send if needed. I didn't end up going. Currently they're letting people go AD (Regular Army, 160th, etc.) and get out, so I'm hoping to get a release before they stop letting folks go.
  5. First time caller, long time listener here. Currently a NG Warrant helo pilot making the jump. Currently my dates are as follows: AFOQT/TBAS: 01/2017 Interviewed w/ AF Reserve Squadron: 01/2017 Sponsored: 01/2017 1st attempt at DD 368 (Denied): 02/2017 Reached back out to Reserve Squadron and notified that position was still available: 02/2019 2nd attempt at DD 368 submitted to CoC: 03/2019 MEPS: ???? FC1: ???? AFRC Board: ???? Swearing In/Last Flight in Army Helo: ???? Inprocessing: ???? OTS: ???? UPT: ???? Thanks to everyone's insight, I understand the prolonged timeline to getting fully accessed. However, I was wondering if any Reserve bros could give me any insight has to how long of a wait is anticipated between swearing in/in-processing and getting sent to OTS? Also I've heard that upon in-processing at OTS that I'd be on continuous orders until I complete UPT, any truth to that? I know with the Guard that they like to break up orders, so they can save G3 some money. Just wanted to get some more knowledge since I'd be leaving my full-time Tech job and if so, then I might need to make a stop over to a couple regionals to supplement the lack of income.
  6. Ahh ok, something else to consider before making the switch, even though I'd go through SERE again before going to WOCS
  7. Just tagging in as well. I have the exact same question. I am Army Guard switching to AFRes and have a 5 year ADSO from IERW, but NO MSO (as I was enlisted for 8 years prior to becoming a Warrant). I know this seems daunting, but the major thing in my favor is that my state is extremely over strength in both WO and O-grade Aviators. As a guardsman how does your ADSO get waived when you will incur a 10 year ADSO upon joining the AF. Thanks
  8. I didn't need a waiver but my buddy who is doing the same thing acquired an age waiver easily bc he is an already rated military aviator. Side note: I agree that it doesn't make sense, especially bc the training is very similar. Additionally that a CW2-CW5 have to go to OTS even though they are technically commissioned by the POTUS, not appointed by the Sec of the Army like a WO1. However, that's what is being propagated. It should be noted that I'm finding out all these things bc I'm the first from my area to make the switch in a long time.
  9. Awesome Thanks!
  10. All, For all of us Army Helo drivers that are planning on making the transition over to the "dark side", do you know if our SERE-C and/or Dunker quals make us "SERE and/or Water survival bypasses" when we attend SUPT?
  11. Perhaps I could offer a little insight. I am currently going through the transition from the ARNG to the AFRES. I am a Warrant and RW only guy (have a few FW hours on my own dime) so my experience may differ from yours. First place I started was, like thingsthatfly stated, with the unit's hiring POC/Officer Accessions recruiter. After talking with him/her, you'll have to put several packets together. You'll have to complete a Class I Flight Physical and get a Conditional Release signed from your unit. You may or may not have to take the AFOQT and TBAS (I had to bc of being a WO). Then get a working relationship with the Chief Pilot and/or network with the pilots of the unit you are trying to go to, as they will be on your board. As a WO I have to go to OTS then to the full SUPT. As far as I know since you are commissioned you won't have to go to OTS, even though you will have to go to the full- SUPT as there isn't an equivalency from Army IERW to AF SUPT (like there is for the Navy/USMC guys). Additionally, the AF doesn't recognize the C-12 course as an equivalency to SUPT. I'm sure others on here can offer better clarification/insight. I hope this helps.
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