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  1. Quick update. Started UPT in December of 18.
  2. Bit of an Update: I am going to TFOT in June of 2018... So, if you get hired, don't quit your day job right away.
  3. Oregon ANG
  4. thetoddg

    OTS vs AMS

    Is AMS still a thing? Or do ANG pilot hires just go to standard OTS now? All the info I have currently found is several years old.
  5. F-15. My absolute dream. I would be happy with fighters in general, but the F-15 was always my poster airplane (right next to the P-38 lighting).
  6. A little over 2 weeks.
  7. One and done, baby! Just got hired!
  8. I enlisted after I graduated college last June, but I haven't shipped yet. I'm an E-3 on paper only. Been rocking Student Flight and job shadowing the OPs dept for eight months now. So no blues for me.
  9. Thank you. For sure. I've been cruising the threads, and it looks like the name of the game is keeping it real and honest. That works for me. My parents were fans of 'gotcha' questions, so now I always figure that people already know the truth when they ask me stuff; which keeps me honest I suppose. I'm not too sure what to wear to the informal gatherings. I'm thinking slacks and a nice jumper. For the interview, I scored a 3-piece suit for $30 at Goodwill, and it mostly fits. That and a fresh haircut and clean shave, I should be looking half decent.
  10. I would appreciate access as well, please.
  11. Well, I was selected for an interview. Looks like they are going to interview 25 candidates the Saturday of next drill, then interview their top 10 that Sunday. Plus there are a few social gatherings planned for the Friday beforehand and Saturday evening.
  12. Right, so here are my numbers, AFOQT: 96/89/76/95/49 PCSM: 93 GPA: 2.82 Bachelor of Applied Science: Technology and Management. All my bachelor's classes were taken online while I was working on my parent's farm. I also have an associate's in professional aviation with a GPA of 3.2 if that means anything. Flight Experience: 299.2 hours. Private, multi, instrument, commercial, with high horsepower and complex endorsements. I'm also enlisted (E-3) with the unit I'm applying at. I work as an Airfield Manager in the OPS department, so I know the majority of the pilots on a friendly basis.
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