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  1. I bought in AZ last month and I worked with Josh Goldberg...he did a fantastic job. I couldn't be happier with his work!
  2. I applied for VA health care when I separated as instructed during TAPS...got a random phone call a few months later and was told I was approved for lifetime health coverage at no cost. I haven't done anything with it and I have health care through my airline, but if I start falling apart in the future it may be handy. All I did was fill out an application.
  3. The money isn't close at all. RAND pegged the figure in the ballpark of millions in pay difference between getting out at 12 and staying in for 20, even when making O-6 AND going to the airlines. Think of it this way: the year you delay getting out is the year your are making over a quarter of a million as a senior captain at age 65.
  4. I signalled I was leaning toward punching next year when ADSC is up...I too get a six month vacation to the sandbox. We have identified a trend.
  5. You'd never be able to identify the 'best flyers'
  6. four star with 30+ years and not a single air medal...
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