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  1. Similar story. I applied to my first unit just after 28, interviewed 5 times over the course of a year, hired a month shy of 29 and started UPT 11 months later. Sounds like you have the right attitude and will show them that absolutely nothing will stop you from trying. Keep up the great work. Age waivers are definitely out there, but hopefully you'll get hired before that.
  2. We've just updated our 2017 UPT hiring board list at https://howtobecomeafighterpilot.com. It's free.
  3. For what it's worth, I've put together a hiring board spreadsheet that I used when I got hired 10 years ago. It's updated as of yesterday and has dates, website links, PDF attachments, and a list of all guard fighter units. Feel free to check it out. It's at www.howtobecomeafighterpilot.com
  4. Every unit hires. So YES call them, it shouldn't even be a question. Do everything you can to get your foot in the door and get to know them. Regarding pay, it depends upon if you are on full time orders or part time orders. Every unit is different, but if a unit has the alert mission there will be more full time spots available. Yes you can make this a career without needing a second job.
  5. Sent the link to both of you. On the list, I've put hyperlinks to the unit's websites for their contact information as well as additional instructions for the packages. Enjoy.
  6. That's great! They've done a fantastic job with their site. We'll keep updating ours, but I'd recommend for everyone to reference that link for additional information to what we provide. Great job.
  7. Well, if Toro says so... I put it on our website, so you can find it there. https://www.howtobecomeafighterpilot.com My intent for our website is to provide some value and answer questions to help dudes along the journey in accomplishing their dream of becoming a fighter pilot (probably applies to all AF pilots not just fighters, but that's the niche I know). That being said, Baseops.net is the best resource out there. I'm a prior F-16 Guard guy, so if you have any questions along the way, feel free to hit me up. GEKO
  8. Thanks for the suggestion. I provide this information on our website, but I'd like to avoid any sort of advertising on someone else's website so I opted for dudes to just PM me. Seems to be an easy enough process, and I'm gotten a lot of great feedback from it.
  9. What you wear for the social doesn't really matter, as long as you look decent. No T-shirts or ripped jeans, but other than that it doesn't matter. The pilots are more concerned with getting to know you. Jeans or slacks are fine with a button down shirt, rolled up sleeves. Good to go.
  10. Congrats on the interview! Now you need to practice your interview over and over. This will set you apart from the rest.
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