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Everything posted by flat4power

  1. @Catman good point about the LORs. Most of the commanders I have worked under are AD but I’m going to caveat that with my current experience gained from my current AFSC I am worth the investment.
  2. Keep your head up bro. I’m the same situation with different circumstances. I’m leaning towards no as well and pursue ANG/Reserve where I’m closer to family. As years go by, I realize that I miss my family and missed weddings and birthdays already. I’m still going to continue to fight our enemies but from a different team.
  3. URT. ABM select here and saw you as well. You gonna take it?
  4. I’m currently AD and planning to pursue a UPT slot. Solid leadership and deployment experience background from 17D career field. 87 Pilot STEM background in college and currently working on Master’s 75 PCSM with 87 PCSM for 201+ hours and up PPL SEL ADSC of Nov 2020 My plan is to secure a UPT slot with a unit and start the transition. I am currently requesting LORs from 1x 0-6 A4 and 2x sq commanders all of whom I served as commanders previously. Any thoughts from the community is much appreciated.
  5. Copy. I will look into the thread. I am already looking into the Bogidope website (it's dope = straight shooter; no pun intended). Long story short, pursuit for AD UPT slot did not pan out this year despite my UPT-worthy scores, but oh well. I have my PPL so that's a plus and some AD experience.
  6. Gents - I am planning to do a Palace Front and already looking at units I am interested in applying (West Coast). Story short, did not get an AD Pilot slot so I pursuing Guard/Reserve because... of course I want to fly!
  7. Got picked up for totally I did not expect... will most likely reject it and go pursue a slot in the Guard. Congrats everyone!
  8. My friend got picked up for ABM. Not his first choice of Pilot. Does anyone know if he turns it down and reapply again? I read it somewhere in the forum maybe not here that someone turned down a rated a rated slot and was able to reapply.
  9. For the selects, did you receive an email from AFPC for Notification for Selection?
  10. Those numbers are solid. This waiting game is killing me. All we can do is project numbers, crunch numbers, and analyze numbers. Do more number crunching in IFT, UPT, and so on. Can they just release it already? lol
  11. I would bank on allocating the RIP in early January; notify selectees mid-December (which is soon!). That should give them ample time to get their stuff together. Also, I am with you on "senioritis" due to possibility of selection, but I am the only O next-in-line so I gotta keep things moving. Happy T-Day everyone and we should find out soon!
  12. FC1 = TDY. Also, I would recommend talking to your security manager and get smart on the process since you don't have a TS, yet. It's a long arduous process (it's outside AF control... it's OPM). TS is based on need (all rated AD folks I know have TS) if you don't have one don't sweat it. I would touch base with the security manager to get an idea of the process.
  13. No. We won't find out until the results are out... Also, I do not think they would release that type of info unless you are part of the board. At this point, it is all prediction. LOL
  14. I predict ~115-120 pilot slots this year from wide spectrum of AFSCs; just my best estimation. Also, I do not know if you all have seen the email from the CSAF that went along with extension of deadline for the UFT packages. They are looking for applicants from across all AFSCs.
  15. I talked to one of the AFPC POC civilian that's compiling all the pkgs. They are predicting ~200 applicants this year. 33 applicants from ACC alone... AFPC also needs your 2808 ASAP (there's a new suspense date for Form 2808 only) because applicants are waiting on AETC/SGPS stamps. Goodluck to everyone. P.S. This forum is not as active compared to the 2018 one. LOL
  16. I know for AD UFT 2018 boards only, Air Staff recently approved a blanket age and TFCSD waiver.
  17. Sounds good. I have been deployed and just recent got back (on R&R) so I miss the breaking news on the blanket age waivers. Of note, given the budget this FY from the NDAA, we are surely building our services.
  18. I contacted one of the ANG unit (I forgot which one actually, lol), but when I talked to their Lt, he said that it depends on the commander whether they are going to accept age waivers or not. Regardless, he told me to send an app in. It won't hurt asking the unit you're interested in. And what?! Up to 33 years of age and 8 years of TFCSD. That's gucci! Goodluck to everyone! Also, I am scheduled for my PPL checkride in November. I wonder if they will still accept AF215 updates then since they moved the app deadline to the right.
  19. TFCSD corrected. I’m gettting the feedback this week. From what I have read and heard, ETPs are not hard to get approved these days. Update: As of two days ago, my package is going to be sent to the boards after all after some misunderstanding of the PSDM guidelines. Goodluck to everyone!
  20. Good luck dude! I’m setting up a teleconference with him this week as I’m currently deployed. I will found out the feedback then. I had competitive score too. My best guess is critical manning issues within my unit so he wants me to stay a bit longer. Just my best guess.
  21. Do we have anybody here that can share their experience with age and TFCSD waivers? I did not get the UPT endorsement from the wg/cc this year, but I will re-apply again FY20. I believe I am fully qualified for UPT this year (non-rated) but going up with mostly rated guys so that’s that. I got all endorsements from unit cc to deployment commander, but for some reason I did not get it from the wing. Weird but eh, I will re-apply next year. Note, the wing held interviews with the applicants and evaluated their nominations to the boards.
  22. I know you have to take the AFOQT before taking the TBAS, but if you have already taken the AFOQT once, you can ask the education office if you can take the TBAS now and retake the AFOQT later on.
  23. Congratulations to all of those who got picked up for UFT 2017. You guys/gals earned every bit of it. Overall, a great year for the applicants. I am starting this new thread, not to hijack the 2017 UFT Active Duty thread that is already filled with valuable information, but to posture for the upcoming UFT 2018 AD boards that some may find useful--organization wise. Again, congrats to our bros who applied for UFT 2017 and got selected, and for those have high hopes for upcoming FY2018, let's keep working hard and charge ahead!
  24. PCSM? How many out of 60 UPT slots had a PPL? Are we going to have the same amount/more or less for FY18 (pilot)? The info on portal is very helpful. Thanks!
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