Team Applicants / Selectees:UPDATES....1. If you don't have the address for the UFT Board Webpage.... here it is. UFT Board (CAC required). Our intent is to push as much information to you all through that website to keep you all updated... transparency is our biggest goal.2. Selects: This year we selected 60 pilots, 10 RPA pilots, 10 CSOs (with 5 more seats to fill) and 6 ABMs (with 9 more seats to fill). Yes, we are currently working options right now for folks that if folks didn't get selected for anything then perhaps offering CSO or ABM. We still have a LOT of needs as of right now. So if you ONLY applied for Pilot and want to consider CSO or ABM, give us a call and we will see how things shake out; can't guarantee anything though.3. Be patient with us... it is me (Maj Travis "Pred" Halleman) and Capt Devin "Drag" Stone who are doing all the work right now for the board with twice the number of selects than last year. If you have ANY questions, feel free to drop us an email or call. Just be patient for a response... we are working assignments and training as we speak.4. Break Downs: Tuesday we are going to load this years PPL/PCSM average stats to the website. Yes, due to the larger pick up of folks, the PCSM averages have dropped a little. Stand by and please check out the website for updates.5. RPAs: We had 3 people apply and all got selected.6. Next Year: Not sure on how many slots at this time. What I can tell you this that there is a LOT of discussion on INCREASING rated production. Not sure if this will continue but as I have been telling people this year... apply. It never hurts.7. We are loading training RIPs and Assignments here soon. We are working with assignment teams and people to ensure we get things right for individuals, their families, and the needs of the Air Force.8. WE are also looking for FEEDBACK from the field. What worked and what didn't work? What do we need to approve for next year? I will let you know that we are going to REATTACK many of the processes... from my point of view, we can improve things for you.9. I have a vested interest in this process.... I was a medical officer in 2008 who applied for UFT and got a Nav spot. Yes, I didn't become a pilot but I became a B-52 EW and made a name for myself without the radiator wings. So I will always challenge folks to consider the other wings besides the Pilot wings.What other questions?--Pred