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  1. Thank you very much for the insight, as well as the link to the form.
  2. Could I also get access, please?
  3. So there's no concern about certain procedures limiting me from certain airframes? I'm surprised that the vast majority of applicants in the AF centers have had PRK, as I've been having a hard time finding good doctors that do it as their primary practice. I'm figuring that PRK may just be the way to go, as everyone I have talked to has recommended it, but I don't know how people found good doctors. I guess I'll just have to go with one who has good reviews and seems to have experience and good equipment and just take the plunge.
  4. I am a civilian who is trying to apply for pilot slots with ANG units, but I know I need eye surgery. My doctor wants me to get LASIK, because he knows a good, local LASIK doctor, but I have been hearing from some people that LASIK only really gets approved for people who are already flying for them military, but if you're a civilian applicant for UPT, that you need to get PRK to get the waiver. I have read the AF Waiver Guide, and that seems to suggest that both are equally waivable, unless there's something I'm missing. I have been trying to talk to people who have recently gotten picked up by units as a civilian and passed MEPS with a waiver for either PRK or LASIK, but coincidentally, everyone I have talked to has had PRK, and I haven't met anyone who has had LASIK, and then passed MEPS. This is leading me to think that I should just get PRK, but I don't know if there's any good doctors near me. I understand that PRK is generally a better procedure simply because it reduces the risk of corneal tearing like LASIK does because it creates a flap, but is that really the only concern? Everyone I know who has gotten LASIK (non-military) has had great results and little discomfort/downtime/etc. I've been reading up on PRK and I seem to find more situations of people having to wait several weeks to finally start to see clearly, severe discomfort, etc. I'm sure PRK is a proven procedure by now, and I'm not worried about the discomfort/pain, even if it lasts for weeks. My only concern is that I get the correct procedure done, I follow the right waiver checklists items, and that I get the procedure done at a good doctor (preferably one who has experience dealing with guys like me who are trying to go military aviation, or at least understands that there is a waiver process that must be closely followed). Is there anyone who has any insight into this kind of situation? I have been reading through forums like this, and I understand that PRK used to be the preferred procedure, but most of the posts saying that are from the early 2000's, but no one in recent years seems to bring any of this up. If anyone could chime in on this, I'd be grateful. Also, in some of the earlier posts on this thread, there were links to the pre-op and post-op forms that applicants needed, but it seems those links have failed once the AF updated their websites recently. If someone could post new links to those, that would be great. I know there's an example of the pre-op form in the waiver guide, but I don't know if there's a more official version than that. Lastly, if anyone knows of any good/knowledgeable doctors in the Philadelphia or Los Angeles/SoCal areas, please let me know. I travel regularly between those cities so I don't mind seeing a doctor in either, as long as I'm getting a good doctor. As I have recently turned 27, I'm on a severe time crunch to get the procedure done due to the waiting period for a waiver, so I want to get the procedure done in the next few weeks. Thanks all!
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