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elvis last won the day on July 12 2020

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Laughlin USUALLY guarantees Randolph for IFF which is worth putting up with Del Rio for a year or so.
  2. Make friends with someone with a boat.
  3. Lease should be fine, I don't even remember them asking about proof.
  4. During UPT myself and some other guard guys applied for a BAH waiver. We were receiving our BAH from our home zip code because we had houses still there. Still had to pay for on base housing and rent at home so pretty much always losing money, but it was less due to getting the home address BAH. Took about 4-5 months to get approved.
  5. Have you talked to him about Guard/Reserves? I'm a guard hire who was in a UPT class with 7 Acadamy guys/gals who wish they had looked into it. Not saying the Acadamy isn't a prestigious institution, but most I know who are stuck in active duty can't wait for their 10 to be up. Obviously the secret is out and there are tons of applicants per unit, but still get a choice of aircraft/location, and get that line # after the mest orders are up. Also, having a real college experience versus having dorm inspections in your blues every friday is a lot more appealing. Totally not biased....
  6. Sim instructor at Randolph is one the Eagles that intercepted the jet, his story recalling seeing no one in the cockpit is wild.
  7. Tucson ANG opened up a UPT slot, only if you're in the AZ ANG or NG.
  8. As a dude who got hired after enlisting in their Guard unit their freshman year, I was almost a year ahead from the active duty guys. Mainly due to the requirement to finish their CDC's/Job 3 level before they could even start school. Highly recommend going Guard versus active.
  9. Tulsa sits alert in Houston, but no vipers are stationed there.
  10. Love the non pilot Navy Admiral talking about an Air Force bomber, really tied it all together.
  11. Damn snackos are getting desperate
  12. Rigorous conditioning of the liver preparing for UPT obviously
  13. elvis

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