Or as Michael Scott would say, "Now this situation is a what I like to call a Win-Win-Lose", where the airlines win, the air force wins, and our pilots lose. Because eff them. But Grosso isn't going to say that, of course.
Funny.. I just left a squadron whose commander was adamant that the Air Force's goal is to produce leaders, not pilots. On a local we discussed the topic at length, and he told me "If you want to just fly, great.. get out and go join the guard or reserves. The Air Force wants leaders, not technicians." Trying to provide evidence to the contrary was a losing position, we found very quickly. It would seem that AF leadership is now giving a different message and being forced to acknowledge that not all of us will be, or want to be, leaders.
As someone who went to UPT late and is more or less stuck in till 20, I am curious and scared to see how this unfolds.