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SNAP (1/4)



  1. Took my TBAS last week, and it matched up with what the PCSM website says. https://access.afpc.af.mil/pcsmdmz/TBASInfo.html
  2. 201+ column is 97, so makes sense on weighting. And no, I went to school for a degree that I could put to use...BS in Buisness
  3. Just got my PCSM score back & finalized some applications. Figured I'd post here for some feedback. I'm a civilian, no prior military experience. PCSM: 74 with 16 flight hours AFOQT: 98 Pilot, 99 Nav. 95 Verbal, 76 Academic, 49 Quantitative GPA: 3.34 I know I hit it out of the park with the AFOQT Pilot & Nav. I don't have a great feel for PCSM--someone told me that above 70 was great. Thoughts? Thanks!
  4. I was planning to apply to this board, and reached out with a question about vision waivers. The response was "The unit will not discourage you from applying, but as it currently stands, they do not plan on considering waivers at this time." My vision has been stable since I started wearing glasses/contacts, is correctable to 20/20 or better, and some of the other units have said it isn't an issue. Just finished my application to the units--literally got my PCSM back 10 minutes ago. For what it's worth--PCSM 74, AFOQT Pilot 98, Nav 99. However, based on the the response I didn't think it would go anywhere... I'm willing to apply, but don't want to waste your time if you have qualified candidates already. It sounds like you're involved with the board, so if you have any further feedback I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  5. Thanks for the clarification. I decided to push the test because I wasn't feeling great yesterday/today. Will go back and hit this studying a little more. Especially if that's similar to what I'll see...will need to recalibrate my brain a bit.
  6. I'm supposed to take the TBAS for the first time tomorrow & am doing a little studying ahead of time. I've gone through the flash cards that I found linked from this forum (https://www.proprofs.com/flashcards/story.php?title=_36014) and am having an issue with the map ones farther down the page. I understand all of the cards with the red arrow on the heading, but looking at the mini map versions I am coming up with the answer opposite what is called the correct answer. For instance in card 33 (the first of the mini map cards, also attached to the post) it appears to me that the UAV is traveling north (the blue arrow is my own addition). I'm interpreting the yellow cone shown on the map as the field of view, meaning the UAV is traveling north, so I would identify "A" as the North parking lot. However, the flashcard answer says "C." Am I interpreting the direction of travel incorrectly? I get the non-map questions correct, but miss all of the map questions with the opposite lot from what the cards say is the answer. I would really appreciate it if someone can shed light on this. All of the sudden not feeling good about the test. Thank you!
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