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Everything posted by Heavywanabe

  1. I'm reserves. No clue about NGB
  2. I was hired in January and got a September OTS date. The biggest wait was waiting for the board to meet.
  3. Just out of curiosity do you know how many selects came out of this board? And how many applicants? I ask because you seem like you are in the know.
  4. Got a call this afternoon from my recuiter that the results were out and that I was selected! That's the only info he had, he said no dates until after I swear in.
  5. Like the others said that's a bunch of BS. Pretty sure the AF needs pilots right now, absolutely do not let her sucker you into applying for all officer positions. Go take the TBAS again and apply for guard and reserve units, no need for a recruiter until after you get hired, and that's just to push paper work. She just wants her quota and could give a shit about your career or that you want to fly.
  6. Ahh that makes sense. Who schedules the training dates? And how long after board approval does that usually come? I always get a few different answers on this. Training to give my employer The largest heads up as possible as it will take time to replace my position.
  7. My recruiter said he would notify me asap once he gets the results, so I believe it will be via recruiter.
  8. I was there last weekend actually. If you minus the 50k college students and all the drifting "artist" I think its very much like the rest of Texas. Now iv'e been in the Midwest the past couple years so maybe i'm in denial, but lets all just agree that the Midwest is a crap hole to say the least..
  9. Ouch... As a native Texan, hearing this makes me cringe. Growing up in the Dallas area and college in central Texas, I have a much different opinion.
  10. Looks like a night out in Bogota gone bad for these Marines. Think they'll keep their wings? https://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/05/31/marines-are-drugged-robbed-after-bogota-pub-crawl-could-face-charges-report.html
  11. I'm not sure it works that way. The better you do on the TBAS the less your flight hours effect your PCSM. For instance if you blow it out of the water and get a PCSM of 90, 100 more flight hours might only increase it a point or two. Its a super dooper special formula they use. If you are positive you can do better than by all means give it a shot, but just remember you can only take it twice and you always run the risk of lowering your score. I would defiantly focus on finishing your PPL though, they say you don't have to have it finished but everyone that i've seen get hired (including myself) at least had a PPL and the majority had advanced ratings. I think its more important than some people might think.
  12. Why would it matter if a spouse pays some of the bills out of a joint checking account? When in UPT if i am receiving BAH at my upt base but my spouse decides to stay put and not follow, so she then would need to pay a rent/mortgage. Is that not allowed if I am receiving BAH?
  13. Unless you fly Southwest..... Who would sing to the passengers and give speeches prior to takeoff then?
  14. Am I the only one that noticed at 1:14 while setting the autobrakes it shoved the yoke forward? But hey it would prob b**** less about its wife than the actual FO.
  15. During my FC1 the doc never did a hernia check, the pants never came off. Now that was not the case with some other dudes there, seemed like it depended on what doc you got. Now meps on the other hand did check. The reason they look for scars is to catch any surgeries you've had that you "forgot" to mention. The odds of them looking very close up and detailed is slim, and they probably wouldn't notice. But that being said if they somehow do, and you then disclose it, its going be awkward and prob not going to make the doc happy. Its most likely waiverable, check into it and cover your bases.
  16. Whats life like as a traditional reservist on the 135's? How much flying and days at the unit are required/expected for a young Lt every month? How many tdy's and the average length of those? The unit i got hired with is "slated" to get the KC-46's as soon as Boeing starts to spit them out, will that have any effect the amount of flying or tdy's for the unit? Also my civ job gives differential pay, for guys with a 9-5 job whats your experience with this?
  17. I think the young generation as a whole needs more aviation mentors. A lot of the pilots i know in the civilian world are second generation pilots or had other family in aviation, and i'm talking about the under 30 crowd. I think this is because from the outside looking in it seems like the hurdles are enormous, whether it be financial or just the lack direction for the proper steps to become successful. The company i work for has a entity with about 16 piston aircraft, we used to pay to have them cleaned once a month by a detail company. We decided to quit that and now pay different youth organizations to come out and clean airplanes every Sunday. The purpose of this is to get kids from every walk of life the opportunity to be around aviation, ask questions, and hopefully spark interest in the youth of the community. 95% of the youth today have never actually touched an aircraft in GA much less been on a ramp. Now i'm just waiting to enter UPT so I have zero idea of the culture of the AF pilot community yet, but I think that actually getting a slot has zero to do with race. If dudes have all the right scores and the personality I don't think it matters what race they are. In my opinion we need to get more people interested in actually wanting to be a pilot.
  18. I'm going Reserve, off the street. Interview Jan 2017 Hired Jan 2017 FC1 Feb 2017 FC1 approved March 2017 Package submitted to board April 2017 (Meets end of May, Awaiting approval) The most recent timelines I've seen on here are mostly Guard, can anyone going reserve fill me in on their timeline after the board approves the package? My recruiter is saying the timeline he's been seeing lately is: Board approval approx 30 days from meeting Swear in approx a week after approval OTS approx 30-60 days after swearing in And says they are going from OTS to UPT without much time in between. (i'm IFT exempt) His timeline seems pretty optimistic compared to what I've seen on here. What do you guys think?
  19. You know its a bad week when your wife runs off to Syria, joins ISIS, and marries a terrorist.... Makes me feel a little better about all my ex's, because some poor sob always has it worse.
  20. Ahh Gotcha, I knew it was less than the 250 needed for 61 but didn't know it was that good of a deal. And as far as the original post, GPA and flight hours look great. And as the guys above said, go hit the 200 hour mark and max that portion of the PCSM out. If you hit 90's for the pilot and nav part of the AFOQT and do decent on your TBAS, you shouldn't have an issue getting in the 90's for a PCSM. From the first time I talked to a recruiter to my package getting to the board was 10 months, but I went reserve so I had to rush, and get hired with a unit during those 10 months before the board. So my advice would be to start the process your last year of college, so when you graduate you will have less time for hurry up and wait. And if you have a healthy heart and no issues then there is nothing to report when they ask, But once you mention something (even if it turned out to be nothing) it opens up a whole new can of worms and more hoops to jump through.
  21. Wait., How'd you pull off a commercial with only 150 hours?
  22. Anyone have an idea on when they might start dropping KC-46s out of UPT?
  23. To piggy back on jspace17's question, from a civilian off the street do they just pick a upt base out of a hat? From the other guys at the unit that picked me up, they seem to think most of the guys from the unit get Vance. Does that make sense? Do some units favor certain bases for what ever reason? or does the unit even have a say in where we go for upt?
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