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Everything posted by Woody15

  1. Congrats. See you there! Cheers
  2. Did NGB give you dates for OTS and UPT at the same time? Submit my request for school dates this week and waiting to hear back. How long does it usually take? I assume it will be a little longer with the Rona.
  3. Hello all, I am an avid "lingerer" of this forum and have a few questions about joining the ANG or AFRES as a pilot. I apologize if these questions have already been answered or I am posting in the wrong thread. I had no luck in my search and am seeking some guidance. I am a 24 yo graduate with an engineering degree from Texas A&M University and a little over 20 hours of flight time. I am on schedule to get my PPL by the end of the year, in the case my examiner doesn't bend me over on my check ride. Included in my package are many hours of leadership and volunteer experience. The bump that I have run into is the acuity of my eyes. I just went through my annual check up with my primary optometrist where I tested at 20/100. 1. Knowing the standard at MEPS is 20/70, will this be an issue if I am correctable to 20/20? 2. Knowing that the reserves has more of a "fraternity like culture", should I visit the unit and tell them my current situation? 3. Should I enlist to a unit and go the lasik route and hope I can get a waiver and commission? 4. If I do enlist, is it possible to commission before turning 28? I have family members/friends that are active duty pilots and have told me to go speak with the unit. Has anybody been faced with this hurdle? This can't be the end of the road.
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