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Everything posted by JimNtexas

  1. Thanks for posting the chart . Note that all altitudes are specified as MSl. To me this whole airspace design was normalized deviance . This crash was baked right into the airspace design. if this event had gone perfectly the airliner could have passed 125 feet over the helicopter. That is insane and would be a reportable near miss anywhere else.
  2. This unfortunate Las Vegas incident suspect was involved in his second divorce. What happens to his retirement pay in a case like that?
  3. I kinda like Eon’s idea to let any GS employee to get two years of paid leave in exchange for waving any right to reemployment. I think both the country and the individuals would be better off if these people went to the private sector
  4. I think any AFA or AFROTC scholarship cadet who has been a cadet in the current far left environment should be allowed to graduate and go forth as a civilian. We don't need those misguided kids in our Air Force.
  5. We’ve decended into Bizarro World when Fetterman and Sanders are the voices of reason!
  6. My best assignment was at Heyford. I flew the Sparkvark, and loved it.
  7. I think the Guard is mostly home land defense, and honestly a WSO isn't really needed for those missions. Heck, f-106s could do that job. For real world deployments in offensive operations, with unmaned aircraft to control and against a peer adversary, then a second officer makes much more sense.
  8. What holster is recommended for concealed carry of a typical 9mm or .38 semi-automatic?
  9. I watched Cold Blue and also recommend it. It addressed one pet peeve I’ve had for a long time. In every movie that has B-17s the pilots enter the cockpit by doing a pull up flip into the belly hatch. I can’t really see that as something someone would really do. In my copy of printed version of master it says occasionally someone would do that to show off. In Cold Blue they show several crew members, in full battle rattle going into that hatch. Using portable stairs.
  10. I’m more scared of the commie Status Six autonomous submarine. This monster weapon could detonate an H bomb, wrapped in cobalt off of any port in the United States. This would create a radioactive tsunami that would render a huge area uninhabitable for several hundred years. Some kind of space based EMP weapon would be a pain in the ass, but it would be as a firecracker compared to what this monster could do. https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/2020/july/kanyons-reach-rethinking-nuclear-triad-autonomous-age
  11. A Lack of Deterrence Leads to More American Deaths
  12. She’s a second Lieutenant who has been in civilian graduate school. She’ never even been the RAF (Real Air Force). Smart - definitely. Naive? See 2LT.
  13. Speaking of the ridiculous allegation that Trump is somehow pro Putin, I wonder how happy Putin was when Trump went to Europe, and immediately began twisting arms to get our NATO partners to pay the full 2% that they agreed to when they joined?
  14. I wondered about that. I saw a video of her flying in the backseat of an F-16. The narration was all fighter pilot this and fighter pilot that period. It was clear to me. She wasn’t actually flying the airplane, because her elbows were on the canopy rails. As a former F4 back seater, I recognized the posture. I feel sorry for the young officer. It must suck to be starting pilot training in the grip of a massive public affairs frenzy.
  15. Amen! Why pay taxes?
  16. I worked for McPeak for a little while. He was eccentric and a frustrated fashion designer. He did some good things, like reducing stovepipes to reduce support empire building . But McPeak never openly worked against his chain of command. He wasn’t trying to be a media darling.
  17. Why fighters only?
  18. I have the impression that there are plenty of people in Russia that wouldn't mind taking out Putin with a drone. Or a knife.
  19. The USAF needs to go back to the good old days and install ash trays in cockpits, allow smoking everywhere, and require smoking for members who need to lose weight.
  20. I'm a mere long retired nav, but
  21. It seems possible that the Dems + DOJ have decided that Biden needs to be dumped.
  22. Someone please explain to me how it could possibly be in the best interest of the United States to not give Ukraine really significant military assistance. They are killing Russians and blowing up their stuff. Russia is one of our two near-peer adversaries. The one that is run by a crazy man. What’s the point of being in NATO if just fold our arms and say ‘not our problem, we need the money for dish washer rebates and drag queen shows’. Yes, I know that Ukraine isn’t a member, but all their neighbors are. What will we do if we see Putin dancing down main street Kyiv while the FSB is going door to door kidnapping kids and sending Mom and Dad to Siberia? And why are Republicans suddenly whining about defense spending? Are we now in bizzaro world?
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