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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. A man speaking the truth...word.
  2. Make sure you start your email off with "BLUF." If you don't, you will get a response from him or one of his exes with a cc sent to your CC about proper decorum and using BLUF in emails. I saw BLUF in an email sent to the OG and the deputies the other day. I couldn't stop LMAO because I never begin my emails to them with BLUF. I include all the details in plain writing so one of our non flying deputies will understand.
  3. When the AF starts sending the E's to RPAs, they will be responsible for crashing them all. Doing every pilot a huge favor. I would sign off on a medal for that.
  4. So what? I wasn't even a pilot when OAF kicked off in the late 90s. However, I was doing intel at a certain federal agency. Talk to an old intel troop with knowledge about the operation or go to a vault and garner some SA on the subject. Those guys were well trained and took down an F-117. It wasn't luck...
  5. RPAs are great for terrorist. They have yet to be truly tested against a real adversary's military that can actually counter our punches. Operation Allied Force... cough..cough
  6. I was looking at some AFPC slides regarding selection for 365s. They look at the following: STRD, number of short tours, prior time puts you out of your year group, and TAFMSD.
  7. I think we all understand the facets of the Cold War which drove some basing decisions. However, a company has to be willing to restructure and close down stores or locations in order to be more competitive and to save costs. The AF direct competitor is the airlines. Macy's as an example don't usually close stores in highly populated cities unless the store is not profitable. Unfortunately, they are closing about 68 stores this year. Macy's is currently having to compete against Amazon. They say Amazon is killing malls in general across America. Just like the airlines are killing the AF. Look at your bases and restructure period. You won't have to pay a dime in incentives. Besides, if you pay out incentives and people still get out of the AF after being stationed at one of these locations would derail the program. Last thing you want is John McCain bitching about incentives like a spilled glass of metamucil. He lost his marbles over BAH. I can already see the program being abused. We all know Uncle Sam doesn't want anything to cost Big Blue a dime. If I'm going to step in front of a GO and say I would like more homesteading options for aviators and for you to restructure a base from each MAJCOM on a 4 year basis would be more reasonable. Sir/maam, this won't cost you a dime, but save money and pilots in the long run. His/her ears might perk up. When you talk about costing the AF more money not dealing with iron on the ramp, golf courses, or pools you are going to lose. Maybe after your commitment ends, you are authorized to submit a "Wish List" of places the AF cannot send you period. And the AF must give you one of your top 3 assignment preferences. The list must be honored by AFPC. Almost like having seniority in the airlines. I came up with this idea because the problem is the high time guys leaving after their commitment is up. Not saying this idea won't screw over the younger guys. But it would be a far better incentive to me.
  8. I'm brainstorming because we all know the only way to fix our issues is through honest feedback and actually implementing what we want. I thought of the extra year added on after every 4 years because I can't have a select few homesteading and clogging up the pipeline at great locations where others may want to PCS. Or we could cap homesteading at 5-6 years max.
  9. Thanks. I never even thought about that at all.
  10. My CC asked me if I took the bonus after a PCS to his squadron. I hadn't been offered the bonus yet. Does AFPC tell the CC when you don't take the money? I turned the bonus down based on what my airline buddies told me. If I had 5 years remaining to 20 years, I might have taken the money. Just stupid not to take the money in that case. Anyway, I am glad I listened to my friends because one friend told me he regretted his decision. I feel like a free man by turning the money down. The guy at AFPC told me the window was extended after I had told him no and the deadline had elapsed for the bonus. In my mind this extension was due to the fact that not enough people are biting on the bonus. I felt like the ARP at AFPC is under some pressure right now. He kept emailing me and would cc a GS-11 on our emails. Even after telling me the bonus may decrease or I might not be eligible this year, I didn't care.
  11. What if the AF permitted officers to homestead for a certain period of time? Granted it would cost you say an extra year commitment wise for each year over 4 years. Or you receive two opportunities to homestead during a career... something along those lines. Wouldn't this reduce the costs for the AF during peak PCS season over the summer months? More people would probably get their HHG on time.
  12. I thought so too and read through the AFI. But I think it depends on the SECAF directions and AFPC to be honest. Everything I keep seeing refers to reservists. There is no guarantee the AF will allow you to retire at 20 years. This is how some folks were screwed over in 2011. Here are your walking papers after being passed over twice. I'm not trying to be promoted. I want to retire.
  13. So if you are at 18 years for your 2019 IPZ board for Lt Col. Will the board offer continuation to 20 years if you have a year and some change remaining?
  14. This sounds like BS and you haven't read through the threads on this forum enough. So you think the AF is going to promote you ABZ without having planned a single X-mas party? #1 rule to AF Club is to plan the best X-mas parties. And you have to serve up pigs in a blanket. The top guys love those. I remember in 2004 or 2005 the promotion board didn't promote a lot of FAIPs. I know you aren't a FAIP.... Anyone know why the board went on a FAIP rampage?
  15. Don't know if it matters or not but I have 3 short tours under my belt. I have 3 years, 6 months until I can retire in 2020. Should hit "sanctuary" in November 2018 if what I read about continuation is true. My IPZ for Lt Col will be in 2019. I turned down the bonus so I am pretty sure I'm good to go. Guess the worst case scenario is the AF could say no one year and some change continuation to 20 years since you didn't do any ACSC. Any darts for my COA?
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