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Everything posted by sling-it-17

  1. Agreed, it was a cute comment though.
  2. Hilarious! You don’t even know me. My point was I’ve heard it’s 65% but no serious action has been taken to achieve it. But do tell me more grandpa how the “real Air Force” works....smh this guy
  3. It works both ways: the bonus doesn’t affect those who are extremely interested in the airlines and it doesn’t affect those who are extremely interested in the pension at 20 years. Not sure how this is whats wrong with the AF. Each service member decides what’s valuable to them. Their options going forward in the military are a factor in both sides as well. If i was barely getting by in the military that would be a data point used, just like if i was doing well and had options. So those who have options in the military shouldn’t take the bonus? That way they can stick it to the man? From my experience, usually if you have more options in one (mil), you also have more options in the other (airlines). So are u saying the only ones who should be able to take the ACP bonus should be those that are middle of the road guys? Basically saying: sorry you worked too hard and did too well in your first 12 years, so your not eligible bc it will skew the numbers. That sounds amazing. As far as the take rates go: I’m sure they understand this known situation bc IDE guys have to sign an additional 4 year commitment usually before bonus eligible. But they also understand punishing guys who worked hard to get there wouldn’t pan out well in the long run. No doubt they know 20% or so would stay in no matter the bonus. They are just trying to find the magic number to get an acceptable take rate without getting too much or too little. I’ve heard they are looking for 65% retention, clearly that can’t be true bc they aernt even close and have done very little to adjust accordingly.
  4. Yup, guilty as charged. Prior Enlisted also so it makes sense for my family. Once i signed a 10 year commitment for UPT i was in it for 20. I totally agree that the current bonus doesn’t move the needle on people’s decision. I’ve been fortunate to have great commanders, worked hard, and also had a degree of luck. Also i don’t understand why people say it’s not about the money. The correct statement is: it’s not only about the money. I love serving but your second commitment economics do play a part. Anyone who says different is lying to themselves.
  5. So anybody heard any updates? Someone on a FB group who works at A1 said the FY19 info would be out before the holiday and then the website open on Jan 7th to process applicants. I know it won’t be up beyond 35k but curious if they change some tiers or options. I understand a lot of people don’t want to take it, but some do. So any info would be helpful.
  6. Because for a few years pilots have said it’s not about the money. Because apparently you can’t get both: better QoL/QoS and a better bonus. I never understood this....but that was how the problem was framed and people took the bait.
  7. Haha! I’ve got some slop in there before hitting 20 so that’s not a factor. If they get it out early, i could get another 30k for 3 months over 20. That would be worth it, but i doubt i have to worry about that happening.....
  8. Haven’t checked myPers in a while, but does anyone have intel on when the 19’ bonus is dropping? As i understand it no changes from last year but one would like to think it would drop sooner due to the NDSA is already signed. Crazy talk i know!
  9. https://www.defense.gov/Videos/videoid/601069/ CSAF says no budget change for this budget year (2019). Watch minutes 15-20. They want to wait and see what the 5k bump does....smh!
  10. Totally agree! The money is the ONLY thing you can count on, everything else is built on hope. I hope the AF gets turned around but unfortunately there is risk it will not get get better.
  11. Totally agree! The money is the ONLY thing you can count on, everything else is built on hope. I hope the AF gets turned around but unfortunately there is risk it will not get get better.
  12. I have to say this seems like a step backwards to me also. I mean it seems like they would want to get ahead of the mobility pilot shortage looming. The 1-2 yr options gave some flexibility, but i can understand why they don’t like that as much but if your gonna take something away atleast replace it with something! Maybe a choice of assignment location for a tour or no non flying deployment clause. Something...smh! The AF can’t even get out of its own way! All they need to do now is raise flight pay for the first bracket by 15$ per month, problem solved! Haha! Smh! So sad...
  13. So a conference committee will be formed to resolve differences between the house and senate bills. Then voted by both senate and house before the POTUS signs....I don't know how everyone else feels but, I don't think it will get bumped up this year. Maybe next year after they see their "talks about changes" aren't having an effect on the retention numbers...
  14. HR2810 did pass by the senate but the passed amendment 1032 sec 617 says bonus is to remain at 35k. So house and senate bills disagree, we'll see what actually gets signed by the POTUS
  15. Yea I agree in the recent article general everheart talked about "trying" to do some of the things we have been talking about for decades. I read a 1989 ACSC paper about pilot retention that was pretty hilarious. But the things he offered were short of what needs to be done. One example is the shift from 2-3 yrs to 3-4 yrs. That's nothing! How about 5-7 yrs at the same base? That's a real change. I was at my previous base 4 yrs, so how is this a big change?? I truly feel they are not full into the change mindset yet. Because if they were the second Gen grosso told the congressional committee on CSPAN in may that the AF was over 1500 pilots short and getting shorter the other branches generals would have been excused and the rest of the hour would have been spent on real talk not talking points....2019 is my decision year and I'm really amazed of how much talk is happening but nothing in the flying Sqs really are changing. But time will tell. Leadership doesn't need to be stingy right now on any front. More CSS troops, more bonus, more time on station, and less non flying deployments for pilots. Or the exodus will continue. CNN: Airlines are projecting hiring 5800 new pilots per year for the next 20 years.....
  16. Yes in regards to its the quickest way to show real appreciation and possibly signal real change is coming. It will "buy" some time while the other initiatives are being fixed. Its not QOL/QOS fixes OR a better bonus, but this is how some try to frame the argument. I want big blue to show how valued aviators are and also fix the squadron/ops issues (but this one will take some time to see). But to someone's point earlier, it is very clear they are trying to do the bare minimum to just get over the min retention metric they are trying to hit. Crazy talk to get too many people willing to stay in!!! Cant have that! But with the current environment it actually is crazy to think that we would come close to have pilots wanting to stay in over the min retention level needed. In my squadron, of a lot of guys coming up on the decision (20-30 Majors) , I would say 10-15% are saying they are staying in. I hear some saying maybe a 1 yr bonus concurrent with their PCS ADSC. THAT'S IT. My advice is to everyone to not take the 5-9 yr bonus because (take the 1-2 with the option of a re-up bonus), the AF is going to have to come to the table with more in the next 2-3 yrs bc this is weak and has not even caught up to inflation---- if your wanting/willing to stay in that is! Money is not everything, I agree--but last time I checked pilots aren't jumping ship to make pennies in 3 yrs with the airlines....more to the tune of 150-200k a yr. Money will always be in the equation when people have families to think about. Especially when they have already served their country for 12 years.
  17. as someone who is coming up on eligibility soon....this is weak. I see like many have mentioned, a lot of 1-2 yr bonus takers running with their current ADSC commitments. No real change. People in the flying community want to talk about wanting more money as a bad thing. I don't think so and I totally agree it is the easiest thing to fix right now, but its not an either or. Flyers deserve both!!!!! A great bonus that makes them feel appreciated and also the better QOL and QOS talking points we have all heard. But we all know talk is cheap, so until then I want real bonus improvement, not a failed attempt to keep up with inflation.....sad. I also looked into the flight pay approval in the NSDA in section 613 i believe--flight pay can go up to 1k. So thats a 150 bump from the current 850....wow!!!!! smh! Apparently they are implementing this sometime this summer. The question is this: How are we letting fighter pilots that costs 6 million a piece to create walk away. Bc we want to quibble over a 10k/ year bonus bump when it should be atleast a 75k/yr to show they are appreciated while the AF gets the other stuff fixed....The 11M community is full steam ahead to the pilot shortages of 11F with no improvements in sight. Looks like i might be a 1-2 yr bonus taker too:) I see this getting worse, especially with no current changes in the FY 18 budget proposal...smh. In all, we COULD have both, but I guess the AF is waiting out the economy like in the past....With all major carriers hiring 6-700 pilots a year for the next decade---bold move cotton.
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