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  1. I think one other guy just got in as well. If anyone is around PM me for linkup.
  2. I believe OKANG advertised 18 October, but flying takes priority.
  3. 148th FW notifications went out today.
  4. For us you can sell 60 days back at the rate of your base pay. I believe its 25% taxed. You should have circa 10k to hold you over if you do not take terminal leave (leave 60 days prior to). I would plan on 6-8 weeks, with a 10 week maximum. The more time you have to stay on top of everything, the smaller the "gap".
  5. Deuce- From my research and friends who have navigated the same realm (FWIW not specifically from the Army), bottom line is that a reserve commission in your service (approved by Sec of the Army or higher) will alleviate any issues with continuity in PEBD/TIS/TIG. This can be inactive reserves, or whatever your service nomenclature is. Essentially you'll be in the USAR until scrolling/oath/appointment is complete and you'll be released into the ANG. Your AD baselines should not be effected, but due to prerequisites to process form XYZ, you'll most likely have a 6 week gap from AD sep date to eligibility to get paid. Shoot me a PM for details.
  6. You're not out of the fight yet. Wait until Friday.
  7. Thanks! The SuperCobra was the only gray bird I flew. I completed joint primary (think the af calls it Phase 2) in the T-34C. We had a bunch of AF dudes in the class and a bunch of bros went to Vance for exchange. We do it differently in creating FW qualified dudes first, then branch off to rotors, cargo, strike etc... that training satisfied FAA single engine commercial/ instrument requirements. In their terminology, I am fixed wing- qualified. According the AFI- I'd rate silver wings (if I went rotors) or upon completion of a FW jet transition course for fighters. Army cobra/c-12 etc is completely different. The AF does not recognize ANY of your flight phases for equivalency training, which sucks. 1st image: AFI blue wing requirements 2nd image: ARB request statement
  8. Thread defibrillator: ON Anyone know how they are dealing with USMC/USN (Joint FW trained) Rotor guys now-a-days without FWQ? I'm a Cobra driver sorting out this blue nonsense. I know the Q was designed for Army dudes since they didn't have a credited FW primary.... Someone mentioned intercepting in the D/E/F course? From the old MASL: F-V5A-R-F U 17w VAR 80R 2 2 No T-38 TRANSITION (F CRS) Course Description: Provides jet currency training in the T-38 where required for subsequent Air Force formal course flying training. Category A is approximately 3 training days. Catagory B is approximately 6 training days. Category C is approximately 21 training days. Category D is approximately 22 training days. Category E is aprroximately 45 training days. Any insight?
  9. Thats a Bummer for you man. There is ALWAYS a way. You're never out of the fight.
  10. Repost from another forum: Background: USMC AH-1W driver looking to go ANG FW fighters. I know the FWQ course that was previously designed for Army RW guys without joint-FW primary experiences (t-6/34c) has gone away. Looking to see in more recent years (FWQ seemed to die around 2013) if anyone on here put in for a rated-slot, went to the ARB, and were given a specific pathway. Thanks.
  11. Background: USMC AH-1W driver looking to go ANG FW fighters. I know the FWQ course that was previously designed for Army RW guys without joint-FW primary experiences (t-6/34c) has gone away. Looking to see in more recent years (FWQ seemed to die around 2013) if anyone on here put in for a rated-slot, went to the ARB, and were given a specific pathway. Thanks.
  12. IADS: A pilot's worst nightmare.
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