Buenos Diaz
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ClearedHot, I didn’t realize you were worth more than $100,000,000. You’ve done very well in the last eight years. Correct me if I’m wrong but the proposal on taxing unrealized gains only applies to those worth over $100 million. I’m not sure I agree with taxing unrealized gains in any form but this proposal doesn’t apply to very many. Buenos
Huggy, Did your ret it recent pay remain “Final Pay” or reset to “High 3?” Deez
Boomer6, I’ve had to fight with finance and A staff regarding per diem at deployed locations where Airmen were billeted in contracted hotels off base but incorrectly authorized GMR. A dining facility is considered not available when government lodging on a US installation is not available. Therefore, locality meal rate is paid. It doesn’t matter if you eat a dining facility or not, even if they don’t charge you. If they put you off base, you get full per diem. Straight out of the JTR. Linked and pasted at the bottom of the post below the cut line. Appropriate items underlined. Story time. Long ago, I was tasked to stand up a Det at an overseas airport that didn’t have lodging on post. So about 100 of my closest friends and I were billeted at the Radisson Blue. Our orders were correctly written with full M&IE. After a couple weeks of working alongside transient MX deployed to a different unit, I found out they were only authorized GMR even though they were billeted off base in the same hotel as we were. About $100 per day difference. Almost $20k per maintainer for the length of their deployment They were all going broke eating off post, where a hamburger and a coke cost $35, or they had to take the hour long bus ride to base to eat at the DFAC. To top it off, they only provided transportation to the base at noon and midnight. So even on their day off, they had to spend all day on base. I felt terrible for these guys and spoke to their CC, gave himthe reference and was assured he would fix it. His fix was to file an IG complaint against me and get aircrew banned from the DFAC. After a protracted fight with finance, A4 and the IG, common sense prevailed and the maintainers were paid what they were owed. This had been going on for years, hundreds of airmen were incorrectly paid GMR when they were owed thousands more. To my knowledge, finance only corrected the vouchers and orders for the airmen deployed with me but subsequent deployments found the maintainers billeted at a nearby base with adequate facilities and then transported to the airport for duty each shift. Buenos ————————————————————————————————————- https://media.defense.gov/2022/Jan/04/2002917147/-1/-1/0/JTR.PDF#page55 JTR pg 2-34 D. Government Dining Facilities. A Government dining facility is available only when the Government quarters or ILP facility on the U.S. installation to which the Service member is assigned TDY are adequate and available. Government facilities should be used to the maximum extent possible. 1. Use of the Government dining facility must be directed in the travel authorization. The authorization must state when a Service member is to receive the PMR or GMR. Otherwise, the locality meal rate is paid. Schoolhouse training or other excepted circumstance may impact meal rate payable. 2. A dining facility is considered not available: a. When Government lodging on the U.S installation is not available. b. On travel days. c. When an AO determines that: (1) The use of the Government dining facility adversely affects mission (2) There is excessive distance between the Government dining facility and places of (3) Transportation is not reasonably available between the Government dining facility and places of duty or lodging. (4) Duty hours and Government dining facility operating hours are incompatible. 3. When a travel authorization directs the use of a Government dining facility for TDY travel and it is not available, a traveler must provide a statement of non-availability explaining which meals were not available and why, to receive reimbursement. The reason for non-availability must be acceptable to and approved by the AO. Once approved, the travel authorization must be modified to document the change in meal rate. 4. An organization may not treat TDY members as permanent party by providing Government meals in a dining facility at no charge. A TDY member pays for meals in the Government dining facility except in the following circumstances: Essential Unit Mess, field duty, sea duty, members traveling together with no reimbursement or Joint Task Force Operations. See the DoD Financial Management Regulation, Vol. 7A, Chapter 25.
HeloDude, I think the afi states something about no mileage restrictions for passes (weekends off duty are regular passes) but allows other types of restrictions such as hours away. I think it specifically allows training base commanders to place restrictions to ensure students are able to return in time to resume training. This meets the msn requirement caveat. I'm curious to hear if upt bases don't have a local area policy anymore. Bottom line, Rhade needs to talk with his unit and supervisor about what is feasible for his situation. Thanks, Buenos
Having been a upt instructor for 4 years, I would advise you to not plan to fly home every weekend. There are a couple of reasons. First and foremost, you may not know you're getting behind the power curve until it us too late. I've had to counsel several folks that had washed out but failed to realize the impact their off duty obligations had on their training. Unfortunately, because they thought they could handle it they also didn't tell their flight ccs until it was too late. Secondly, if you have to fly home you will probably be outside the defined local area and may be required to take leave. You most likely don't have enough leave accrued but I doubt the approving official would approve leave every weekend even if you did. I advise you to make your concerns known to your unit and if you go to upt make sure your flight ccs know about your issues. Both your unit and flight ccs will be able to help you come up with a plan to meet your needs. Good luck!
The way I read it is para b does apply. He is an applicant for the atp with a multi engine rating or a type rating so the test can only be extended if he took it after 31 July 2014. If he didn't have those ratings then he could go to para c. Since he took it before 31 July 2014, is an applicant for an atp, and has a type rating or multi engine class, the test will expire at the normal expiration date and can't be extended under the provisions referenced. I have heard of folks extending because of being deployed but it sounds like that is not the case.
Just got my posters today. They look great and were well packed. Funny thing though, the T-6 IP looks like he is asleep but I guess that it pretty close to the truth.
Just ordered 5. They're gonna look great in the basement!
drewpey, You don't need to get another masters. ACSC 6.0 is online and is the course that you are looking for. Link below. https://www.au.af.mil/au/acsc/distance-learning.asp#Benefits Later, Buenos
WILCO, thanks!
I closed in January and my conventional mortgage was sold immediately to Citimortgage. Makes no dofference to me that it was sold. Hopefully, Citimortgage provides the same level of service as Dave Devine and NBOKC did. For what it is worth, every person I know of that has closed with NBOKC (about 10) has had their loan sold to another bank. Buenos
DoD IG slams AF Investigation https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2013/02/airforce-report-f22-crash-slammed-by-dod-ig-021113/
The fees, for a first time buyer, are slightly lower than what you state but close enough for government work. Split that one time fee up over the three years he may keep it and then add in the interest rate (3.25% to 3.5%) and you come up with a rate around 4%. I bet he is making more than 4% on his money right now. IMO, it doesn't make sense to move money from a fund in order to save less money than you are making in the fund.
Check out the VA loan thread in General Discussion. I bet Dave Devine from NBOKC can beat USAA's rate and I know he can beat their closing date and level of customer service. I speak from experience. You will be dissapointed if you use USAA. Trust me, It is worth it to lose your deposit and go with another bank. Do yourself a favor and shop around. If you are only going to keep the house for three years, you might want to reconsider putting that much money down. The VA funding fee is very low for first time buyers and you can finance 100% plus closing costs. If you still believe that the seller would prefer a conventional loan, you can put less down and pay PMI, which may not be that much. Good Luck, Buenos
2...thanks for the back up. But it is a good thing that ORIs are having less of an impact and the IG is willing to give credit for real world ops. On another note, I just found out Col Steve Legrand, AMC/IG, died in October from complications after surgery. I got to work with him a few times in 2011 and I believe he was one of the guys that got the ball rolling on reducing the ORI footprint. Great guy and I'm sad to see him die so young. :beer:
Easily over $2M. I wrote the boss a talking paper about the cost of our ORI to turn in along with the request for credit for real world events. Without counting man hours, we were already over $2M. And I used those numbers on my OPR so they must be true. I was only succesful in getting PTF credit but I think the discussion for reducing the impact of inspections was already ongoing. Glad to here that it is finally coming to fruition.
Just closed with Dave Devine from NBOKC. Best customer service seen to date! I have closed several loans with USAA and other banks and have to say that Dave and NBOKC completely put them to shame. I closed in half the time USAA could and he beat their rates. He always returned emails and phone calls, most of the time on the same day. I can't say enough good things about him. Buenos Edit to add: I was sent on a 10 week tdy with only 3 days notice and Dave worked hard to move my closing date up by a week so I didn't have to close with a power of attorney. I doubt USAA would of been able to do that.
Stretch, You may want to look at Manitou Springs. It has a "Colorado vibe" and seems to be a decent place for a young, single dude with lots of money to spend. This is coming from an old married guy with three kids and no money to spend. BTW, your BAH will be $1464 when you pin on. You can buy a lot of house for that. However, the rental market is booming here so you won't be able to get as much house with the same money. My advice would be to buy a big place in Cordera or Wolf Ranch and rent out the basement to another Lt or Capt. Later, Buenos
Stretch, I recently moved to COS. Definitely a buyer's market. Miltiary folks tend to buy/rent in Cordera and Wolf Ranch (20 minute commute). Several live in Monument. A few live as far away as Castle Rock. The commutes aren't that bad because of I-25 and US 83, about 45 minutes. I chose to live on the west side of 25 up against the mountains. We are loving it. If you are going to buy, I would highly recommend limting your search to ASD20. It is the most desired school district and makes life much easier when it comes time to sell. Many folks limit their search to ASD20. PM me for more info, Buenos
Something very similar happened to my brother in 2000. He is a parapalegic and I was flying him and my folks to Cali for a visit. United checked my brother's wheelchair and then failed to provide him access to another during the stopover. He was unable to leave his seat for 12 hours. When I picked him up at Sacramento, he was sick from not being able to go to the bathroom for over 12 hours. I called United and they couldn't give two shits. Maybe I should've gotten a lawyer. I will never fly United again. Buenos
So "Sweet I'm SOF", who are you to dictate when someone should take leave? Have you ever had to tell someone they couldn't take leave or call them back from leave or had leave cancelled on you? I have had to do all three. I'm not sure if you realize this but every flying squadron I've ever been in or stepped foot in has had a 10% rule. No more than 10% of folks could be on leave at any one time. And there are plenty of times that number drops significantly. All the way to zero. I would be happy if the support side of the AF would leave 1 person at the desk during training hours, PT time, official functions, or whatever. Shutting the doors any time between 0730-1630 is unsat. The flying and MX squadrons don't do it ever, even when somebody takes leave on Friday. I can't count on one finger the number of missions my squadrons have had to cancel because of leave. I may be mistaken but you still haven't stated your afsc, qual, airframe, E or O, etc. I fly heavies, have been an evaluator, I was a SOF and a SUP at SUPT for a few years (also spent time in the container), taught SUPT in the T-37 and T-6, and am now flying a desk for the next 2.69 years. I've written a ton of OPRs, EPRs, civilian appraisals (GS and NSPS), award packages (that actually won), LORs, LOEs, PRFs, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Put up or shut up! Buenos PS I can't believe I actually let this asshole get to me. Must of been a long week at work. Maybe I'll take Friday off. Edit for spelling and to add that MX doesn't shut down either.
Investment showdown -- beyond the Roth, SDP, & TSP
Buenos Diaz replied to Swizzle's topic in Squadron Bar
Great advice! You can mitigate the downsides of your second point by starting your househunting as soon as you get your orders. My wife and I start researching as soon as we received orders. We narrow our search down to school district first (important factor to a lot of folks), then proximity to work (military and civilian), amenities (shopping, clubhouse, pool, etc.), and then our individual preferences (# beds/baths, yard, fixer upper). We like to fix up the houses we live in so we typically buy the house for 15 - 20% below market, put in some sweat equity, and then when we turn around to rent or sell we are above market value because of the upgrades. The last house I rented out, was on the market for only 7 days and rented for full asking price with an 18 month lease. The other took two weeks to rent out for full asking price. I think the reason I can rent my houses out quickly is because I keep them up and I price them slightly below market. I've never had to evict anyone. I think this is because I have great property managers that screen out the undesirables. Later, Buenos- 1,204 replies
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Investment showdown -- beyond the Roth, SDP, & TSP
Buenos Diaz replied to Swizzle's topic in Squadron Bar
I have two rentals. One is the house I plan on retiring in. I lose money on that one every month partly because I send the rental income straight to principle and then pay the mortgage out of pocket. It will be paid off before I retire. Similar concept to what others have said about saving a big chunk of money over 20 years to buy a house when they retire. In my case, I already have the house picked out and someone else is helping me pay it off. If it was truly just an investment it would be a bad one. The rent covers the mortgage but not the taxes and insurance. The second rental is a money maker. I am clearing a few hundred every month (I hope Finance Guy doesn't chastise me for making a profit like in the Pit Pad thread). When I put my houses up for rent, I always price them below market by $50 to $100 per month. Every month they sit empty is $100 to $200 less a month you could have charged. I have great property managers for both houses. I can't say it has always been rosy but the property managers handle the problems and try to keep me insulated from minor issues. The little bit of hassle is definitely worth the extra money I am paying the houses off with. I can go months without even thinking about the houses. If the market was different, I probably would have sold the second house. But I figured since I am making money renting, why would I sell at a loss? When the market turns, I may sell the second house and use the proceeds to pay off the first rental early. I also own the house at the assignment I'm at now and stand to make a healthy profit on it when I sell. It helps to buy right. My 2 cents on investing: As long as you are doing something, you are doing better than most. Compound interest is a wonderful thing. Just keep putting money away and you'll be surprised how much you end up with. Later, Buenos- 1,204 replies
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Doesn't look like they used "the reasonable person" concept to me. I'm not sure what an AIB uses to determine this but I have been involved with safety for quite awhile and it looks like an average pilot would have gotten himself into a similar situation under similar circumstances. We have lost pilots to spatial d alone without compounding the problem with hypoxia or trouble breathing. If I remeber correctly, one of the scenarios in the centrifuge was to look back and to the left and then look forward. This demonstration was used to show the debilating effects of that type of spatial disorientation. Imagine doing that at night withot being able to breathe. Sounds a lot like what Jeff went through. I flew with Jeff several times in tweets. He was an excellent pilot. Jeff was better than a "reasonable" pilot and without evidence that he performed his recovery incorrectly or put himself into an unrecoverable situation, I will continue to believe that he died because of a system malfunction. Buenos