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    The Beach
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    Evals/PRFs/Awards/Decorations/HOT Taskers/LeaveWeb

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  1. I think the biggest “gotcha” is the possibility of a 179 or 365. What’s your STRD? You might be hot for one after your AETC tour. Does anyone know how USERRA 5yr limit works if you go back to Active Duty (actually never left Active Duty?)
  2. Bashi Bro, If you are asking for more than 6 months I would list your ADSC availability until it gets approved. If you are asking for 6 months or less, I think you are safe to list the requested PC date. AFPC can approve 6 months off without sending it up for adjudication to SAF/PC. That has been a very high approval rate lately. More than 6 months, too many other factors come into play to have any idea what the board will do (career field manning, commander concur/non concur etc) As always YMMV and have a solid answer to back up your stated availability date in an interview. If you are asked about it and tap dance too much around it, that might not go well.
  3. Duck, If you draw a guard/reserve retirement and/or any disability they will take the 69k back. Separately, for anyone contemplating Duck’s ADSC Grand Slam strategy I think the move away from PRFs has closed that loophole. I wrote the letter, still got promoted. Maybe others had different results?
  4. Anyone seen/heard of a Pilot Bonus to O-5s to get them to stay past 20 for two years? I heard rumors of such....Would be interesting to see how much they are offering to keep them for a couple more years.
  5. "Flags of Convenience" aka cheap foreign pilot labor is a more near-term threat to lucrative pilot jobs for good red blooded 'Muricans than automation, I believe. So actually Gen Goldfein should argue to keep the arbitrary 1500 hour rule... a burgeoning pilot shortage leaves no where to turn except foreign pilots/flagged carriers. Then military pilots are safe because they make more in the military without even needing an increase to the bonus! If you don't think it can happen, ask a merchant marine. https://www.alpa.org/en/advocacy/flag-of-convenience
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