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Mighty last won the day on July 11 2021

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. I’d strongly encourage MIT/Brown/Dartmouth, he can always find his way back to the Air Force if it’s something he really wants in his life. I know lots of Academy nerds (and I went to UPT with @elvis) and the honest-to-God truth is the majority of the Academy grads I talk to don’t speak particularly favorable about their time there. Maybe it’s bias, but I’ve heard lots of “I didn’t enjoy it but it’s a nice place to be a graduate of”, some “If I could go back I would go somewhere else”, and a few “I needed the discipline but other that that..pass” but I can’t recall if I’ve ever heard anyone be purely positive about it. I’m an off the street guy and I think some of the USAFA story sounds kinda cool, but I look around and realize that even if I could go back in time I wouldn’t even consider going. Thankful others are willing to though, nothing but respect
  2. Sounds very reasonable and you seem like a good dude to me. Thank you for your service and happy to hear you’re crushing it in the civ world!
  3. Relaying from bros I know out there. “Applications are still at HQ, about 1/2 done being processed. After that’s done there will be a social and the board will meet to select interviewees. More info will be pushed out in the future. Tell ‘em thanks for applying and we’re looking forward to meeting them all in the future.”
  4. Sounds like a sporty day. Glad everyone made it down safely! Agree on all parts. Small anecdote, and not nearly as dramatic as the story you just told, but I’m an inexperienced CAF guy and have done 4 “real-world” form approaches in the past 12 months alone for various EPs. Multiple times thru Wx and once thru Wx at night. Similar to the crew member in your story, the first time I had to do it outside of a training environment wasn’t the prettiest. It was enough of a wake up call personally that I’ve made it a point to be a little cleaner on those end of sortie BD checks as well as flying up initial as that’s usually the extent of my fingertip flying these days. Glad it’s still in the syllabus. It would suck to do a form approach for the first time “real world”.
  5. Are UPT students still being taught form approaches? Haven't followed up since the XL mishap. Copy they’re not being taught form landings.
  6. Beat me to it lol
  7. Habanero Corn on Fridays to keep the people on their toes
  8. Stupid question but what MWS did they come from?
  9. Ask your intel shop about how often US jets turn with adversaries
  10. Whiskey-type is usually your safest bet. No need to get top shelf, don’t get bottom shelf….hip to armpit height is the sweet spot. Get a handle if you can
  11. “In the Navy, you’re actually a seaman first, then a pilot second because you are what you eat”
  12. Plot twist: Pyongyang nukes Moscow off the map to demonstrate their capabilities and deeply rooted care for human rights. They open their borders, reunify as a United Korea where Kim is elected as the new country’s first President, and become a staunch ally of the west…all from a plan developed by now President-elect Rodman. China becomes a champion for workers rights and joins NATO, Hillary runs for President and loses again, and the sun sets on a peaceful Earth. Scene.
  13. 10. 1 died from being chopped up and fed to his wife’s tigers
  14. “And this section right here lists all the girls I took on dates but never slept with”
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