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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. As mentioned in my above post, don't let the SJW polluters sequester what is basically good leadership basics with their polluted distortion of it. DEI is everywhere on the outside world in business. The people carrying it day to day aren't concerned with what your privilege score is or whether you are sufficiently guilty as a white person.
  2. Not sure where you come from but where I grew up good leadership was treating people fairly and being inclusive of people who may have been different from the in crowd. It was also seeking a variety of opinions on a matter before making a decision...... Suffice to say winning a dogfight or dropping a bomb has also never won a war.... Rather, a cohesive strategy developed by professionals derived from a wide variety of professional backgrounds and experiences has gotten us much further.
  3. I bet a 35K/yr bonus would retain those pesky pilots and keep them loyal..... Anyone think any US pilots have been poached for the same thing? Never heard of it but I have to believe if they're targeting Brits they would be targeting Americans as well.....
  4. Isn't DEI Diversity, Equity and Inclusion? Or is there another DEI I'm missing? TBH: DE&I is an awesome concept. Its the way its polluted and practiced that make it nauseating.
  5. This makes sense now. Has nothing to do with the quality of the T-1 training or service is provides the force..... nope..... im sure some 1-200 jobs in Columbus Mississippi are in danger of being wiped out now and that's going to reduce tax revenues for the city by $200K next year and bankrupt them......
  6. Yeah that's one of my biggest pet places traveling Asia. I generally love it but carry my empty coke can with me for 4 hours until I get home drives me insane.
  7. I dont think its a grudge. I've talked to several CAAs that have mentioned theyve been cropped to work on a project to envision the next generation of AvFID. There was a strong rumor on the amn/nco/snco FB page that part of the problem with the 6th is they couldnt get any of the AFSOC command list commanders through selection and assessment. (2 gaining commanders failed and therefore were sent elsewhere.)
  8. Where I grew up they call people like that institutionalized.....
  9. This one is still the best: https://youtube.com/shorts/caouHOG0gU4?feature=share
  10. It's funny to watch SJWs twist themselves in knots when they meet BIPOC conservatives.
  11. I think it's a massive assumption to think otherwise and assumptions entail risk. So while you are fine to make that assumption strategically it needs to be calculated, supported by extensive data (not casual relationships) and a risk assessment should accompany it in case the assumption is wrong. Assumptions are a neccessary part of strategy but it is important they are treated correctly.
  12. Sort of yes and no. War is politics by other means. Where those opponents excelled was unconventional/irregular warfare. Nuclear arms and clandestine operations to destroy pipelines are both UW/IW in nature. We fought and won the physical space but those opponents all realized the battle was actually cultural and fought over the information space. They ultimately were correct. Koreans are an interesting example because since the late 90s, nK has been all in on UW as an asymmetric offset to US/sK military power. They have a robust SOF capability and are funneling almost all of their cash reserves into strategic nuclear deterrence. It's pretty common-sense strategy that the economically weaker your state is, the more you're going to invest into UW because the cost to maintain a standing Army is much higher than the cost to investing in spies, assassin's, SOF, whatever. We know Russia has a standup UW game. We know that because they were caught miffing up several high profile assassinations over the last decade and they are associated with dozens more where a lack of evidence has made it hard to pin. That carries a theme from the Cold War where Russia invested highly in HUMINT operations and clandestine operations. Putin is an ex-KGB agent so it's kind of easy to see where his preference might be investments in those machines.
  13. Lol Reddit'd political subs are all super liberal. It's notoriously well known right now. They chased all of the conservatives off about 5-7 years ago and Reddits policies were particularly favorable to liberal subs. However, since you mentioned it, something you should know is that Reddit has more bot accounts (actual bots not reddit bots) than probably any other social media platform. There is an enormous bot army of posters and upvoters/downvoters that are state sponsored and promote specific content on the platform. For example r/antiwork is notorious for posting fake stories of employee abuse DAILY. The sub's moderators are associated with the US communist party and have admitted before that they will not allow content that doesn't ultimately benefit revolution or progress the effort to put the means of production in workers hands. Another example of reddit policies was default subs (removed in 2018). Reddit used to have default subs every user was automatically subscribed too when creating new accounts. The default subs were all super liberal subs as well. For example extreme 3rd wave feminism sub r/TwoXChromosones was a default sub and as a result has 1.2 million users now. This exposed more people to see their content but also artificially inflated their popularity leading people to believe post there were more mainstream to the public discord than they actually are. That's like everything you need to know about politics on Reddit. It's a huge echo chamber of some Uber hippies posting things to get upvotes from bots because most people dont realize they aren't real people, and it inflates their ego.
  14. Now in just imagining her stumbling up out of shooters at 6 in the morning with those shades on.
  15. “A serious problem in planning against American doctrine is that the Americans do not read their manuals, nor do they feel any obligation to follow their doctrine.” – Soviet observation during the Cold War
  16. Having just separated and attended like 30 networking events ill say this..... if it bothers you.... don't get out. Because its like 100X worse in the civilian world. Seriously just sat in a meeting with CHRO's from dozens of large companies and DE&I is the new hot sauce. That said, in your benefit, veterans and their families (specifically children and spouses) are now coming under the umbrella of DE&I as an oppressed class.
  17. I mean on the bright side the ambiguity has to have China very WTF!? right now.
  18. All good points and something I learned in my brief run working with contracts and acquisitions was that contractors have a fiduciary interest to their company (forget all of the "were on the same team" crap, it goes right out the window once their EOY line is red) and USG employees have a fiduciary responsibility to the taxpayer. The problem is USG employees are rarely in their role long enough to become competent at negotiating or insisting on performance in line with the contracts work statement and seeing younger officers get run over by a project manager in his/her mid-late 40s with decades of experience negotiating ends is not an uncommon site. As far as the counterfeit parts go, I think there are strategic implications to that as well that are worth investigating in regards to vulnerabilities in our supply chain and how susceptible it might be to infiltrate them. Cams and rivets is one thing but what happens when firmware starts relying on counterfeit silicon components from China....
  19. I mean this is exactly it. Even if 99% of their forces are incapable, dis-repaired or unwilling....60 nukes is still A LOT to sustain even for the US.
  20. The implosion of the Democratic message over this is stunningly fascinating......it is literally falling into shambles as the narrative can no longer logically outpace it's hypocrisy. I do not think AOC, Lightfoot, Bowser, others realize that as they bash the Republican party for doing this, the majority of Americans believe their message is resentful at the migrants and not at Republicans..... The ONLY way they could have played this and not done that would have been to accept the immigrants graciously, provide services, and not say a word about it. But the Republican governors totally outplayed them here recognizing that politicians can never keep their mouth shut... Personally, I'm very pro immigration. Especially after I spent the last year working with DoS and CIS and recognized what a disaster our immigration channels are. However, border state governor's are 100% correct. This is not only on their states and infrastructure to navigate this issue. It's going to take a whole country approach to it. And Biden is asleep at the wheel to come up with a comprehensive policy.
  21. "Your honor I'd like to call Senior Airman Snuffy to the stand." "Senior Airman Snuffy, can you explain your role to the court." "I was the Wing Sausage Watcher sir. 3 years DDRP duty."
  22. This needs blown up and more attention bought to it.
  23. I mean..... Just to be clear.... Even if that's legal, you're still a fuckhead if you're in you're early 40s sleeping around with teenagers.
  24. I'm going to start poking Congress about this one. It's unacceptable. By the way, last week was suicide prevention awareness week.
  25. Saw this on Reddit this evening and spit my jack out. Do you think the Chinese-Italian-Irish-Americans have beef with the Chinese-Irish-Italian-Americans?
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