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Everything posted by FLEA

  1. DoD just took responsibility for striking civilians in Afghanistan. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/17/us/politics/pentagon-drone-strike-afghanistan.html
  2. Yeah, I mean the dudes family left him, his career is in shambles, and he will probably spend time in jail. I imagine his mental health is death spiraling lower than a dive bell. Just his last video you can tell the dude isn't getting much sleep.
  3. I'm empathetic to his frustration though. GOs are very rarely held accountable for negligence. Short of committing a serious felony like rape or murder, you rarely see them suffer discipline. That said, nothing he does is going to change the situation as it stands. He is only making things worse for himself.
  4. When I was a Captain someone pointed out to me "the game" and I finally realized how it all works. That is, as mentioned above, money is power and everything is money. If you want to be a General in the AF, you need to be getting good at money. That's really all there is to it. Think back to EVERY single GO you've ever heard speak. They will all talk to you about how important and critical their mission is, how it is changing war fighting and guaranteeing 21st century security for the US. Almost EVERY SINGLE speech ends with "but to do this guys we need more money" or "more people" or "more resources." Their entire function is to lobby their service to gain more political power to spend. If you doubt me, think back to you FIRST week in your weapon system. At the FTU, generally a whole academic plan is built around the history and legacy of your platform. Then it goes into the 21st century warfighting strategy with it. At the base, we expect every CGO to be an advocate for their weapon system. This is what jaded me. It doesn't matter if the system is useful or not, to be a good officer you need to advocate it. Everything needs to be a priority because if its not a priority, it wont get money.
  5. I dunno man. Damage was done for this. He subverted civilian control of the military and betrayed our defense posture to a strategic competitor. This is serious. If anyone else did this, there would definitely be consequences.
  6. I think the word I was actually looking for was benign but I got some wires crossed lol.
  7. White jets seemingly also used to include DV airlift and certain test applications. In short, grey jets go to war, white jets, or jets painted white, were used for more inane purposes. However the term has really just grown to mean training.
  8. So since you understand statistics so well what is the statistical probability (in a percentage form, or cases of 100K) of developing a long term side effect from the Phizer COVID-19 vaccine? Looking for the exact probability based on current evidence, not an intuition based assessment.
  9. Teaching at UPT. It used to mean other things as well but it appears if you say "white jet" to an assignment functional anymore, it automatically vectors you to UPT.
  10. Alright, lots of interest stuff coming through the book faces lately and I havent had a lot of time so I'll just throw it all down and people can make what they want of it. 1.) It appears that not all Phizer vaccines are created equal. Only certain batch #'s fall under the full FDA approval of Comirnaty and it can be potentially an unlawful order to direct you to receive a different batch. This is likely because FDA approval doesn't just analyze the chemical composition of an ingredient but also the manufacturing processes and procedures. It is possible the FDA wasn't able to certify earlier batch numbers. 2.) Current AFI guidance is superseded by the SECDEF memo however there is strong indication that receiving the mandatory vaccine creates a Line of Duty determination, forcing AF to compensate people for side effects.
  11. So as someone looking at future Cargo, what have things looked like in an out of Hong Kong with foreign aircrews? I'm particularly concerned about that because HKs new National Security law is 1.) Retroactive 2.) Applies to foreigners 3.) Applies to actions made outside of Chinese territory. The implications of the above is frightening. If you've ever made a free HK or even a post about the Tibetan flag, you are at risk for being indefinitely detained entering Hong Kong.
  12. So just to be clear, it's unlikely your 11R functional will prevent you from applying to the U-2 since they manage both positions. However, they can and will deny you approval to apply to other for hire programs depending on manning. Additionally, as @Sua Sponte mentioned, getting into the programs is not an automatic. Your skill has to match your desire. Truth is, not everyone is a phenomenal pilot.
  13. Lloyd: Hey, you awake? 🍆 🍑 Me: Yes! SOOO BORED! 😜 Lloyd: Cool. Go get your COVID vaccine. Me: F*ck.
  14. 1.) We can't compare COVID vaccine to other vaccines. It's fundamentally different in chemical structure. 2.) When people talk about long term side effects they are not talking about suddenly waking up sterile one day. They are talking about more nuanced manifestations. Example: over a 10 year study people who had the Moderna vaccine were twice as likely to develop lung cancer. The problem is, the low risk of COVID means that even a low to moderate risk of a nuanced event like this negates the morality of the vaccine.
  15. Dude you sound nothing short of insane in your last 6-9 post. But if I'm understanding you correctly you only believe a right to bodily autonomy exist when it fits your moral narrative and not others? Did heaven ordain your benevolence or did you just decide yourself you were a god?
  16. Didn't even attempt to answer the last question. The more the administration evades answering concerns like these the more suspicion people will generate that something is being hidden from them. What are we to make of this? Refugees from Afghanistan were required to be vaccinated when processed so I'm told. They received MMR, polio and COVID if they didn't have it. So why is that policy not applying to refugees from the southern border? What people who are pro vaccine mandate don't understand is that this isn't an issue about safety or efficacy it's an issue about trust from an administration that is historically opaque and evasive with its intents.
  17. You're fucked. As much as it doesnt make any sense, I had a deep talk with the 11R functional about it last year. Despite the retraction of the bonus and being 130% manned, as he put it, "competing priorities at different levels of staff." In other words, at HAF they saw overmanned and killed the bonus. But at AFPC they see that the manning is all copilots and ACs and IPs are dangerously low to a point of the mission being jeapordized. So from the AFPC perspective they need to retain retain retain. They need to retain ACs to accomplish the mission, they need to retain instructors to continue to make ACs, and they need to retain copilots because they need to keep them long enough to become ACs. I don't have great advice to you. About the only non 11R assignment they'll allow you to take is UPT.
  18. Dude cool it. Guy was very honestly inquiring about the veracity of the story which has been reported by multiple questionable outlets. It's quite clear he had his own suspicions already and was looking for more info, or as you so eloquently put it, was trying to sort through the bullshit. Noone fell for this story but you come off as a total ass hole with the tone of your post.
  19. This video popped on my FB feed and I just can't stop laughing at it. https://fb.watch/7USOdAdx5p/
  20. Where though? I've had unvaccinated friends PCS everywhere. Asia, Europe, Middle East, deploy to Africa. They just need a clean PCR test within 72 hours or arrival. Is that a US stipulated position or a Host Nation? Because I had to move several aircraft across the planet earlier this year and every single country told me that Status of Forces Agreements didn't prevent entry and exit for people on official business. But this is a very US thing to do. "Lets ASSUME this is going to be an issue and then treat it like it is."
  21. Where wouldn't they meet entry requirements? 3G is nearly universally accepted world wide right now. Do you have a specific instance of this or are you just being hypothetical?
  22. I think the problem with your approach Scooter is from the outside looking it, it sounds like your only real interest here is your wife bitching about having to do her job. At the end of the day though, your not in any danger, your wife is not, (presuming you both are vaccinated) so its hard to understand what your frustration is other than you wife doesn't get a 15 minute smoke break anymore. If you want to honestly posit that you feel terrible for the X number people going to the ER with COVID thats fine, but realize you are more worried about this pandemic than those people are. They weren't even worried enough to get the vaccine. So at the end of the day you are empathetically stressing about something that really has no bearing on you. This isn't meant to be a hostile critique but just a recommendation for how you should consider your approach.
  23. Did not know that about FE time. That's awesome. I know some FEs I work with that will be interested to hear that. Is that because historically FEs were second officers in the airlines?
  24. But I'm not.... So you apparently are unable to follow what's going on. I have every vaccine in the DoD inventory, including COVID which I got in February of 21. (One of the earliest) I'm making a stand on ethics and morality and you are simply stuck in a black and white worldview thats selfishly interested in removing bodily autonomy from everyone else so you can go about a normal life again. Get over yourself bro.
  25. Depends on the situation. Neither CRG or STS are an airfield seizure force. The expectation is that someone like 75RR would secure the field in advance and there would be a phased swap out. STS is likely attached to 75RR and would bring in the initial airlift that contains the CRG, or direct them to airdrop. But there is very specific phased force packaging for airfield standup. Recommend you read about PRIME BEEF on SIPR.
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