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LiquidSky last won the day on December 7 2017

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Does anyone have experience with writing a letter to their first board? Trying to get out asap for family reasons after the AF decided to send me from one terrible assignment to a second even worse one. My most recent OPB was a top 1/3 squadron strat and I had better wing strats early on in my career. I'm wondering if a letter is enough to get passed over on board #1 or if I'm SOL because I was a decently good O on paper until now.
  2. Biggest issue is you'll have to get quotes and the whole contract Shennagins with finance if it's over 10k (maybe 25?). And they normally want that shit 2 months ago for end of FY purchases. I think pretty much anything is fair game as long as you can justify it as functional. I've seen done: Watches, coolers/lunchboxes, sunglasses, nice to have uniform items (better boots, undershirts, OCPs), knives, headlamps, hammocks, sleeping bags, morale shirts, massage chairs, travel bags (rolling and duffel), cold weather gear, sq bar renovations, sq facility renovations, software subscriptions, and more I'm sure I'm forgetting.
  3. Tried to reach y'all last week flying across Africa to show new Copilots the service but couldn't get through to anyone. Unfortunately with the propagation of civil data links across the fleet a csat phone call is typically easier. No idea who is getting the bill for it 🤣
  4. That's assuming a non-working spouse or a spouse within a certain scope of employment. I know more than a few dudes/dudettes who've spent years apart from their family because they got told go to minot, dyess, Vance, overseas, unaccompanied, etc. The military is the one job you can't walk away from when they tell you to go someplace undesirable to you. And your family will make sacrifices in some way be it quality time, career, extended family, etc.
  5. Sheppard doesn't even have T-1s last I checked. They do a "special" T-6 syllabus and then all track 38s. Normally all their drops are fighter/bombers. A heavy is non-standard.
  6. 20-25 days out of the month I loathe every second of my job. The other 5-10 days I'm sitting in the cockpit either flying to some place you've never heard of and am expected to just make it work or in a low level formation at the end of which I'm getting off a bunch of dudes cursing up a storm as we're stop to stop eating up leads wake like it's your favorite cousin. Those are the days I love my job. Flying is a drug and we're all a bunch of addicts.
  7. Is this comment still accurate for the 89th and the typical missions of the various airframes? Also can anyone speak to the application/interview process and how competitive is it actually? We get the pdsms and I know a few dudes that didn't get call backs, but there's certainly mystery around the numbers on total applied vs interviewed vs selected.
  8. Could they learn it all from YouTube tutorials? Maybe/probably. Should we rob them of a good deal tdy? Definitely not.
  9. Yet another reason SCODs are dumb. Any idea how far back it will be moved? Nothing on myfss indicates the timeline for the 16YG. Edit: Disregard, found a note that says Jan/Feb 2025. Wonder if that means results now won't release until Dec 25 instead of Jan 25?
  10. Can we please stop giving Boeing contracts? https://www.defensenews.com/air/2024/02/05/boeing-pushes-back-t-7-plans-due-to-faulty-parts/ KC-46, new VC-25, T-7... When was the last time they gave us a solid aircraft?
  11. Because there's times you alert at 0400 to show at 0500 then fly a 17 hour day (fragged for 10) due to various delays, and the entire crew could really use a beer after that.
  12. Because f*ck anyone that doesn't work a normal day shift schedule. No more late night beer runs — AAFES to end overnight alcohol sales in 2024 In a move aimed at suicide prevention. stores on Army and Air Force bases worldwide will stop selling alcohol after 10 p.m. Beer, wine, and spirits will only be sold between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. at all Base Exchanges, Shoppettes, Express shops, Class Six, and other stores run by AAFES.
  13. One thing to note is the BRS has 5% match. So you don't want to max out early in the year but forecast a percentage each month to allow for at least a 5% contribution in December. Make it roth since most our pay isn't taxed. And max out now. You can't miss what you n3ver had. Lastly the I fund offered is terrible. Heavily weighted towards japan which has been stagnant for 3 decades and other allied partners who don't have much better track records. Use C and S only.
  14. Is this the first Sim only drop? If not how have these dudes been doing once they hit the Flightline or ops squadrons?
  15. For a heavy unit tdys are constant and non-stop. You can easily go weeks or months between crossing paths with another dude in the unit. Theoretically our sq could keep everyone on mission critical 24/7 but the reality is we go tell RA if we need it and then it's done.
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