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Everything posted by SemperSicEm

  1. So in essence, don't hold my breath until I get actual orders cut? I'm trying to rack my brain around why I got that date and all of my UPT hopeful peers got EADs closer to their IFS dates. Do they pick EADs out of a hat and it's luck of the draw?
  2. I found out this week that my EAD is 30 June 2012 out of AFROTC. My IFS date is March-April 2013 and start of UPT June 2013. Has anyone heard of such an early date to be an APT at Laughlin AFB? I'm not complaining in anyway, I think it's amazing to get started as a new butter bar before my class dates, but wondering what I might be doing during that time. Thanks for the help!
  3. Would that put me on DNF if it was in a hand cast, etc.?
  4. I broke my left ring finger in 2008, never got it set because it didn't bother me and I thought it was just jammed. Now it has about a 30 degree curve near the top joint. I am still a military dependent so I went to the ortho to see if they could straighten it, but there are only two real options. 1) cut the bone and attempt to reset it with some pins (that would be removed) along with lots of PT to attempt to gain mobility in that top finger joint. 2) If option 1 does not work, the surgeon wants to fuse the bones of the top and middle finger bones together and I would lose all mobility in that top joint. I have already passed my FC1 and my IFS dates are in March 2013 and UPT in May 2013. If I lose mobility from the second procedure, could that disqualify me at my FCII before UPT? Any flight docs out there think it would be worth doing the first procedure to get the finger straight and rehab it to get mobility even if it's like a 50% chance of it working? The Wright Patt doc did not worry because I have full grip strength in both hands. Any input would be helpful!
  5. Did the AC-130 drop request that from T-38s?
  6. I was a tad too short at Wright-Patterson for their measurements so I was green on T-6 and T-1, but not on the T-38. In order to get my waiver, I have to do Functional Cockpit Evaluations/Checks in a C-17 and C-130. I was just measured in the C-17 by some good folks at Altus this past Friday (after my Det NCO drove me 5 hours each way--props to her) and I passed with flying colors and my short stature was not a problem. I actually had to lower the seat from the highest setting in order to see the HUD correctly. Hoping for the same good luck on Monday in the C-130H/J. I'm just shocked they won't even let me attempt at getting an FCC in a T-38. I live so much closer to a SUPT base it would be a relatively easy appointment to make. Anyone know if I could get to SUPT and before track selection (provided I'm up to snuff with the caliber needed to get selected)if an IP and Flight Doc could do this with me to see if I correctly fit in the T-38 airframe?
  7. I was just curious if that ever happened to anyone out of AFROTC. I don't know why we sign a memo on that about categorization then, seems pointless. I won't be getting T-38s no matter what (height/safety issue), but being an AF pilot or CSO is still an awesome thing to pursue as a career. Thanks for the input!
  8. The chance at going to SUPT sounds pretty good at this point. I have a better chance at winning the lottery at this point. Well I feel like I did since they are even considering a height waiver once I get FCCs in the C-17 and C-130s and optional in UH-1 and HH-60. I think I was curious if my name still gets thrown in the hat for Strike nav since ENJJPT is a bust for me now.
  9. Thread revival! Does anyone know if I have a pilot slot right now out of AFROTC and I signed the memo saying I would elect to attend Strike Nav training, will they consider me at the board? I really don't want to give up my pilot slot, but I found out I am a little under the standing height requirement so much so they won't let me track T-38s out of SUPT. I know I might not even get fighter/bomber if I wasn't red for measurements anyway, but the CSO strike track is a little more definite in knowing what I would be flying in. Do you have to be able to fly the T-38/F-15 to be a strike Nav i.e. if your pilot is incapacitated for some reason and you are responsible for landing the aircraft?
  10. Sorry to revive this thread...but I am heading to my FC1 Physical on 13 August and wondering if I should apply for an OSI slot (deadline for information is 15 August 2011 this year). I want to be a pilot more than anything, but if for some reason anything happens, the door for my 2nd top choice will close for this fiscal year. I have the credentials for it and think I could make a good impact on the boards, but does anyone think it would be worth it? For example, if a person does not get the passing results on an FC1, is he or she SOL for any other flying position?
  11. Yeah, but take it this way...if the USAF asked you to put on a yellow speedo and make snow angels while singing "I'm a little teapot" in order to go fly jets, would you do it? Just play the parts that are a game and play to win.
  12. It's probably like my Det's "Preflight". It's usually nothing intense, just busy activities to get you acquainted with your fellow GMC and POC leadership before school starts. If you want to get ahead, just research the AFROTC website and start picking up on these terms and acronyms, maybe even do some research on basic marching skills. You can find an Air Force Drill and Ceremonies manual online and scope it out if you are really bored, otherwise you'll learn all that during the semester. To be honest, AFROTC is kind of a crawl, walk, run type of program. Depending on how involved you are that can get mixed up, but it's up to you.
  13. Sorry to steer a little off topic here, but what makes a cadet at Field Training in AFROTC a DG vs. SP or even Top 1/3? What is it that the FTO is looking for in a cadet, i.e. what traits or actions in helping out flight mates can one do to earn the award?
  14. So the AF minimum height requiements to be a pilot are 64" standing height and 34" sitting height. The incompetent civilian docs who did my DoDMERB (I'm an AF brat so I have always gone to the flight docs so I wasn't sure of these professionals) didn't list my sitting height correctly. I went and talked to my det commander and he measured me at 34.5" sitting height and I have measured it several times more and found the same result. He said that would be the only thing DQing me from competing for a slot, but didn't really tell me what to do to change it. Does anyone out there know what you have to do to get this changed? I'm about a year and a half away from putting together all my stuff to submit for a pilot's slot but would like to get this taken care of before heading off to Field Training.
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