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Everything posted by McGuiness

  1. I wonder how much Covid-19 will effect this timeline...As far as the minimal pilot selection this month, I wish you luck man. I was sponsored for the CSO path.
  2. Thanks brother, I hope you're right!
  3. Anyone applied to this board? I'm anxiously awaiting results and thought comiserating would help ease the impatience.
  4. I just got my afoqt scores back and I didn't do as well as I hoped. In you guys' experiences, what's the lowest scores you've heard of being hired?
  5. All the articles I’ve read suggest that the plan is to get rid of them by 2023.
  6. Thank you tons! and yes it's been quite the puzzle. Sent from my iPhone using Baseops Network Forums
  7. I'm currently enlisted in AFRC, and I talked to a recruiter and he basically told me because of me being enlisted I will have to do all of the leg work in finding open slots. Where do you find availabilities ?
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