Hey All,
I was wondering if any of you knowledgeable people out there had an answer to a question I had. I am in the process to applying to the rated boards September 2017 as a pilot. I am still working on increasing my chances by getting a PPL and retaking the TBAS, I figured I would just apply so as to not self eliminate. However, my recruiter is encouraging me to put down all the rated positions citing my age as a potential issue because of the wait times for OTS. I was born April 29th 1991 making me 26. I am fine with putting down other positions, I just won't want to get picked up for something else when I know I can become more competitive for that ever covetable pilot slot. To make a long story short, Is the age limit 27? More importantly, when is my age counted? At the board convening date? Or when OTS starts? I want to make the most informed decisions possible. If anyone could point me to regulations that would be great!
Best regards,