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Everything posted by Jefsterman4u

  1. I dont know what the racial make up of the women are in that class, but doesnt it imply if that the women are white that somehow they will do better with minority men than white men. At my friends UPT class, they had a Saudi who couldnt pass. He came from an earlier class and he couldnt catch on. Eventually he was behind in this class and was sent to another class. Not sure what happened, but he was eventually kicked out and was sent back to Saudi Arabia. My friend felt bad for him because he assumes the Saudi will eat crap when he gets back home
  2. I appreciate the advice and will do so
  3. Will do
  4. Thanks , I appreciate the advice
  5. Thanks for the kind words
  6. Quibbling? Should we go look at each post and see how many were insults and how actually gave any real advice? It isn’t even close. This is how it went . Should I do A. No you should do B. How about If i do C Instead? Then the insults come and of course I won’t make it through UPT. Seems like an intelligent way to have a discussion
  7. I thought I did . I got it from my dad after he got a new car and it is on its last legs. Definitely wouldn’t make it cross country
  8. Thanks for the advice. However u are mistaken . After several insulting posts someone did give me advice . I responded that I would prefer to fly , got insulted again and I responded. You r right it should have ended after post 6, but they keep coming after me . I know it entertains them . But I like writing long posts so it’s fin for me. So I respond . U want me to stop posting, stop attacking. For goodness sakes, stop acting like this is UPT when it isn’t
  9. I have read lots of your posts and respect your opinion . As far as I can tell , outside of a few intelligent pieces of advice, no one has given me any advice and if I smarted off to anyone it’s because I was insulted first. If you want to point out who gave me that great advice and I smart mouth him , I will more than willing to apologize. As for the rest, who are chiming in, makes no difference to me. I enjoy the banter and will keep respond every time I get attacked. I would guess a moderator will stop it in the long run . But I have to tell you , I like having political discussions with left wing snowflakes and I have to say the responses from most of the people here are are just as inane as I get from the snowflakes . Insults with Nothing to back it up with. Just because u say something doesn’t make it so
  10. The thing is that I am not in UPT. I am just talking to some guys who think highly of themselves without really ever saying why. The irony is that the whole discussion started becuse I had a question about driving to UPT and buying a car
  11. Thanks will u come over and pin it
  12. Why? You people love to give advice but with no explanation
  13. I appreciate the fan mail but you should try explaining your comment . Insults without context seems strange to me. You don’t like what I said, ok I challenge you to tell me why in not less than 3 sentences.
  14. No, I am only long winded when writing on social media. I kind of enjoy wrtiting excruciating long responses that gives lots of details. It is my respose to how most people write on social media where you almost have to read their minds in order out figure out what they mean. I also know it annoy most people because of their short attention span especially as memes are all they can handle. I know to deal with people so that isnt an issue but I figured if most of you are going to be sarcastic or even insutling, I may as play my own game even if I only appreciate it. As for whinning, well sure I thought this would be place one could ask as serious question and be given a serioius answer. Sarcasm is fine as long as you are given an answer. Giving me sarcasm for the sake of it seems childish, but then again I am need to grow up as someone mentioned before. Old age and dementia must be a serious problem on this forum as I have repeatly said I would get a car, so I am not the guy who will need a ride. What I did ask is if I could get away with buying a cheap car after I arrived which as I have found is not only un realistic and not workable but insulting to most of you. Which is ironic since I am supposed to be whinny bitch
  15. Ok, I offically deny it
  16. Interesting question, When I finish school this May, I am basically going to have my computer, television, sheets, towels and clothes. As I assumed I will be living in UOQ for the whole time or for a period of time, I am not going to need much in terms of furniture and I would buy anything I need. So it not like I am going to need a truck to move my stuff. So no I wont be living out of my suitcase, but I am not exactly moving in with tons of stuff.
  17. I would assume you are being sarcastic based on what everyone else has written about Columbus. Not sure why you would purposely be unnhelpful when I am asking for advice.
  18. Actually I currently drive a 2006 Dodge Charger RT, but I am sure the Prius does well with gas mileage
  19. I need to grow up because I don’t want I drive for 3-4 days when I could fly ? My concept of adulthood seems to be very different than yours . I actually appreciate the advice you have written, what I don’t like is that it is your advice is attached to indignation as I have years of experience and have broken some unwritten rule that I am an expert on
  20. I find this whole discussion interesting. My initial question was regarding the logistics of getting to Columbus AFB without a car and the need for even having a car. Instead of getting advice (for the most part) I seemed to be attacked for asking the question and for thinking that I could buy a car later on . My manhood seems to be in question because I rather fly than drive which in itself is ironic seems I am going to UPT to be a pilot and not a driver. I get the impression from many that the harder I make the trip for myself , the better officer I will be. And if not a better officer at least a better adult. I have commented that I could buy a crappy car while at UPT and be financially responsible and wait until I leave Columbus to buy a long term car. It has also been recommended that I get the 25000 loan from USAA and indulge in a car while putting myself in debt. That being preferable to a 3000 or so car that won’t put me debt which I can sell when I leave Columbus. I am not even saying that my ideas are correct but I was asking if it made sense . Of course these questions resulted in someone commenting that standards have lowered and that I as a Millenial are too lazy to drive cross country . For those who gave me a smart answer, I now realize that I will need to arrive with a car. It will be too difficult not to have one. My thought was to travel light and when l leave UPT I won’t have tons of crap to take with me . What happens later after 3 years will be taken care of differently . Thanks for all the great advice. (Sarcasm for those who don’t get it ) I now see that it is better not to ask questions because it seems to bother some people’s sensibility of what are acceptable questions .
  21. thanks, i appreciate it
  22. Yes that was the plan. The issue I was asking about was when to buy it because honestly I have no desire to drive 2000 miles in a car. The desire not to drive for 2000 miles shouldnt make me less of an adult, a college graduate or an officer in the USAF
  23. If you are going to insult me, can you let me know what I said that was so terrible?
  24. You are right
  25. I am from Los Angeles. I was going to say there was no mass transit period in California and knew that someone would say that the transit system in SF is good. However, I am from Los Angeles and while we do have a bus system and a relatively new subway system, for the most part we have no practical mass transit in Los Angeles and in most Southern California cities. Sure If I want to go to the Chinese theater or Downtown LA, I could take the subway, but 99% of the city isnt covered by it. I have also been to NY and Boston and whatever they call mass transit in those cities, we dont have it in Californai and for sure we dont have it in Los Angeles.
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