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Everything posted by UPTDreamer

  1. Just got word from some others. They have been notified they got picked up by their bosses
  2. Keep your head up brother. PPL is huge and that could’ve been the deciding factor for you last year. Now you have it. Along with the rest of us who have it with our applications this year. I think that pushes you in the running along with experience . The undergraduate rated application board page has been taken down. Pretty strong sign tomorrow’s the day. Best of wishes to everyone.
  3. Very accurate the amount factored into rotc factors in washouts , people who don’t graduate, get kicked out, or don’t pass the afoqt. We really can’t go off that data. Also rotc boards are kinda a joke. My year a girl I new from a different detachment had a pcsm score of 1 but graduated number 1 in her det and won a UPT slot. She is now a tanker pilot. Their standards are different. Prèd already said they were predicting 60 if not more numbers than last year for us. I think we can go off that and just hope for the best.
  4. My thoughts exactly.
  5. Very true. Maybe next week they’ll update with final allocation words.
  6. Someone posted that earlier in this thread 165 initial applications with 75 pilot, 30 RPA and they didn’t know how many split abm and CSO. Then again, that was before extending the application window for late médicals
  7. Classic Big Blue
  8. Was this recently? AFPC road show just said last year they stopped forcibly dropping RPA in UPT unless people actually want them. And a foot in the door is all I’m praying, drop list dream sheets is more near the finish line of a awesome UPT ride
  9. Not really, based off the numbers of slots rumored, extending application deadline for medical physicals , last year turn outs and reasoning, and number of original applicants, it’s more of an educated guess
  10. If that is true than that means this year they might have more slots than applicants so I think they might be struggling with placement
  11. Sounds good! Almost time then
  12. Has anyone heard of when results will be released?
  13. Rated website says differently. Says pairing sill not be made till the 31st?
  14. Just wondering because the board is made of rated colonels pulled from their squadrons for the week so I wasn’t sure if it falls under an “essential TDY or non essential”
  15. Is the board still planning to meet on time with the government being shutdown?
  16. Is that how many people put pilot as #1 or how many slots you heard are being allocated this year?
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