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Bob Uecker

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Crew Dawg

Crew Dawg (2/4)



  1. Zeihan is one of the smartest and most objective analysts out there today. His books are great reads, and his lectures and newsletters are really insightful.
  2. I was in your shoes ~3 years ago. Scores and letter of rec were my saving grace too. My board had 7/62 2d Lts selected for pilot, including myself. The board works in mysterious waysđź’«
  3. All same here, first person in my family born in America. Whoever thought of this idea was completely out of their element. I joined ROTC pretty late, my two cents on their “outreach” is this: its complete booty. Theres no real effort at the officer recruitment level at diversity.
  4. On a good note, rate of new infections nationwide has been slowly dropping, and deaths have been down for the third day in a row.
  5. Getting on the back end of the curve, with less new cases and deaths per day. Having rapid testing everywhere to clear people back to work. Maybe a decent treatment program (anti-malaria drugs, antibodies, etc). Probably partial openings, restaurants/bars are screwed for a while longer, schools are done till August. Vaccine is at least a year out.
  6. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/03/common-good-constitutionalism/609037/ A buddy and I have been talking about how the bad situation we are in is a breeding ground for the rise of bad ideas. Here is a Harvard professor literally suggesting fascism. Not directly COVID-19 related, but still need to be wary.
  7. Got email saying there was a change, checked vMPF for my assignment and saw it. My new orders haven’t even been cut yet. I’m glad Im still going.
  8. 31 May. Not sure if COVID related, but probably is. Gonna get more info on Monday, I knew Laughlin was having housing issues with graduates not being able to PCS out, so probably some backup alleviation.
  9. PCS to Laughlin pushed back to 30 July.
  10. This mornings earthquake here in Utah definitely has people on edge more than before. Stores have lines now due to limitations to how many people are allowed in due to possibly compromised structures. At least they have TP and some cleaning stuff on hand. Listen to the CDC. Wash your ing hands, distance yourselves from others. This will all be over sooner if we all do what we have to do. Im just glad its not hitting kids.
  11. Just about every engineering office at Hill has gone to telework. No pants and Uber Eats!
  12. Rated assignments team said its a rapidly changing situation, but AETC is working to make UFT “mission essential.” I would assume its all still a go.
  13. Are they still doing drops even without the nights?
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